plan plan plan

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Isabella spent the rest of the night tending to brians wound while matt talked to the others.

They all reluctantly agreed to the plan.

(zacks pov)
I cant believe matt shot brian, what has gotten into him? Why is he acting like this? Last night he was talking about protecting her, today he wants to sell back to her father.

I don't understand. Why?

We sat in the living room waiting for the screaming to stop. Matt did not allow isabella to use anesthesia,so she had to dig the bullet out and sew him up without it

Matt sits on the wooden stool, his hand gripped the gun that is strapped to his wait. His foot bounces up and down with anxiety.

The silence in between the screams is too much to bear. I stand to leave the room

-"where are you going?" matt says stearnly, all eyes were on me.

-"i need fresh air" i said. I can hear the strap click as he takes the gun out. I keep my back to him.

-"sit" he says with a low voice

-"no" i said. Feeling fearless as i defy him.

Defying matt was like a death wish, eather you did it and got away barely. Or you die. He spared no one. Not even family. Not even our father

Our father had given matt part of his legacy when matt made his first kill. The legacy grew with each kill he made. But one day, our father refused the legacy after matt got carried away with a family. He had orders to just kill the mom, he didnt stop at her, he killed the husband and their three kids.

In anger matt had stabbed him and left him to die. He took all of us, and left. He took the legacy our father left all of us. Refuse matt. You refuse life.

-"i said sit down" this time lifting the gun to my head. I feel the tension in the room grow, i look to the twins who sat silently in fear.

For them. I'll comply.

The door to the room opens and isabella steps out, she's covered in blood.

-"its done" she said walking to the bathroom. "Im going to take a shower now"

Matt signals for the twins to check on brian. They go without hesitation.

I can hear the shower turn on, not long after steam came from under the door. Like always she hummed a tune, that i was still not familiar with.

-"do you want her?" matts voice broke the still hostile air.

I didnt answer

-"we're going to take him to the hospital. While we do that, you can stay here and get as much time with her as you like" he gave me a smile that sent chills down my spine.

-"i dont want her like that" i finally said

-"no? Then how do you want her? Weak on her knees? Begging for you? Or do you just want her to say you are the one to have her" his voice mocked at my love for her

-"i love her as a friend, nothing more" i lied.

I did want her, i want her in my arms. I want her to trust me and love me like i love her. I want her to look at me as her one and only. I want her to be the only girl i love. I wanted to feel her lips on mine, her hand in my hand. I want her to finally be free.

But i cannot let matt know that. He'll use it to every advantage he can. And she'll never be free. She'll be better off with her father. Away from us.

As much as i love her. I have to let her go.

As much as it hurts to put her back in the hands of the man she tried to escape from, she'll be better off with him.

Matts phone rang

-"hello?" he said "we'll be right there" the phone clicked and he went to the room brian was in and opened the door

-"hey. Hurry up. And get him, " he closed the door walking to the garage.

His car started up.

The twins carried brian out into the garage. The pain must of knocked him out. My anger arises. I cant help but to scream.

I waited till they all left.

My scream came out like a desperate monster. My fist hit the mirror and shattered it.

Isabella opened the restroom door. And came to my side.

With her warm hands on my face i fell into her, slowly she guided me to the ground. Then we sat.

With my head pressed against her chest, i listened to her heart. A steady pace, so calm and collective. She rocked me back and forth slowly, tears streamed down my face.

Her hand glided through my hair repeatedly. Soothing my cries.

-"im sorry" i said holding on to her tight. Fearing that she's let me go

-"it is not your fault zack, it is all mine" her voice was calm and soothing.

-"what are you going to do?" i asked

-"im going to abide by your brothers rules, in order to keep any of you from harm"

-"what about your father"

She laughed

-"i would of had to face him sooner or later" she pulled me away from her "but that is non of your concern once the trade is made"

-"i dont want you to go" i finally admitted

Giving me a kiss in the forehead.

-"i have to, but things dont always turn out like they're suppose to" she paused "i don't regret running away, nor do i regret meeting you"

My phone rang interrupting our moment.

In Troubleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें