Chapter 1

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That is what I felt in my head when I woke up the next morning. I groaned, digging my face into my pillow, not wanting to get up. I stayed in that position for who knows how long until my phone rang. I groaned for the second time that morning before reaching for it on my nightstand. I pulled my head up, bringing the phone to my ear before speaking.

"Hello?" but the phone was still ringing. I never hit the green answer button. Good going Kendall. I pulled the phone away, pressed the answer button, then put it back to my ear.

"Hello?" I grumbled, rubbing my temples to try to relieve the throbbing.

"Kendall! Please tell me you are not still in bed." Lauren piped into the phone.

"First, take it down a few notches and two, I am hungover from that party you dragged me to last night, so yes I am still in bed."

"Well, I am almost to your house, and we are going to grab some coffee then go do a little shopping for the summer." she said back, completely ignoring my first statement. I rolled out of my bed and walked towards my bathroom, stumbling a little bit because my eyes weren't yet adjusted to the light.

"You have one of my spare keys right?" I asked her, flicking the light on to the bathroom.

"Yes! Always!"

"I am going to take a shower so if you knock, and I do not answer, then you can let yourself in." I replied, opening my shower door and turning the knob all the way to the right, turning the cold water knob just a tad.

"Sounds good! See you Ken!" she said before I was met with the dial tone. I set my phone down on the bathroom counter, stripping out of my random t-shirt that I threw on last night and jumped into the shower. I shut the glass door, steam instantly fogging it up and I sighed contently, my pounding head subsiding into a dull throb. I quickly washed my unruly hair before rinsing and washing my body. I stepped out of the muggy shower and into the crisp air of my bathroom. I grabbed one of my brown, fluffy towels and dried off before draping it around me. I picked up my dirty clothes and threw them into my hamper, before walking out of the bathroom and into my closet. I knew it was going to be a muggy Georgia day so I grabbed a white loose V-neck tshirt with a pocket on the left breast and some ripped blue jean shorts. Good thing I shaved my legs last night. I grabbed my brown sandals before walking out.I made my way back to my bathroom, only stopping to grab a bra and a pair of matching underwear. I walked back into my bathroom, and dropped the towel, quickly changing into the outfit I picked out. I paired it with some pearl earrings and a gold necklace that had my initials on it (BKJ= Kendall Brooke Jennings). I plugged my blow dryer in and grabbed my brush, running it through my hair before drying my hair. I heard the front door open and knew it was Lauren,

"Kendall?" she yelled into my house, her accent sticking out.

"In my bathroom!" I yelled over the hair dryer. I ran my hands through my hair, making sure it was dry, before brushing through it again and leaving it natural. I put my dryer away, opening my makeup drawer and getting out everything I needed before closing it. I began applying my foundation when Lauren walked into the room.

"Heya chick!" she said and I smiled, rolling my eyes at her playfulness.

"Hey crazy." I said, making sure my foundation was evenly applied before putting on a little blush.

"It is bloody muggy outside." Lauren said and I laughed at her use of the word bloody.

"I know, but that is Georgia for you." I said and she nodded before walking over and taking a seat next to the sink on the bathroom counter. I applied a coat of mascara before putting all of my makeup away. I slipped my sandals on before grabbing my phone, and slipping it into my back pocket. I looked at Lauren to see her typing on her phone.

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded, hopping down. I flicked the bathroom light off, and walked out with Lauren behind me.

"Cardigan or no?" I asked Lauren and she shook her head. I grabbed my keys from my dresser before walking out of my room, down the long hallway and into the living room.

"Who is driving?" Lauren asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can if you want me to...You can just leave your car here." I said and she nodded, sending me a goofy grin.

"Good, because I have to drive to set later and I don't need to waste my gas, but feel free to waste yours." she said, trying not to laugh. I grabbed a throw pillow off my couch and chunked it at her, it hit her square in the chest.

"Asshole." I said, laughing and she joined in. I grabbed my purse from the table and placed my phone inside, keeping my keys in my hand. I turned to walk out the door, but stopped when Lauren called me.

"Kendall." she said and I turned around, only to be met with a pillow square to my face. I let it tumble into my arm as I gave her a look before we started bursting with laughter. I chunked the pillow back onto my couch before turning back to Lauren.

"Let's go hoe. I want some coffee." I said and she nodded, scurrying out the door with me behind her. I quickly locked the door and trudged after her.

Today should be good.


I know it ended at a bad place, but I wanted to see if you guys liked it so far. If you liked this intro chapter, can you comment and vote for it. Thank you so much! Please, also, spread the word about this story too! Thank you again!


H.O.L.Y (Norman Reedus love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang