~Chapter 14~

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Hi guys!! Double update!!! I hope you guys liked the last chapter and this chapter!! Vote and comment!!

"Mingus, just make yourself at home. I have my Xbox in the living room if you want to play that. I don't know if I have any games you would like." I spoke, twisting the key in the doorknob before pushing it open and pulling the key out. I walked into the house, lugging my suitcases behind me before stopping for a second. Sarah had dropped us off at Norman's house and we all loaded up and came to my house.

"Really?!" Mingus exclaimed and I turned to look at the short blond headed boy, sending him a friendly smile.

"Knock yourself out bub." I spoke and he took off, jetting towards the living room. It was just Norman and I left in the hallway by the front door. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me with an adoring gaze.

"I'm just gonna go take these upstairs and then I'll find something to cook for us." I spoke softly and he quickly shook his head before sliding my hand off of the handles, his immediately replacing mine.

"I'll do it babe. Go ahead and go do what you need to." He spoke, kissing my forehead softly before disappearing around the corner and up the stairs. I watched him leave for a few seconds before willing my feet to move towards the living room to get to the kitchen. When I made it to the living room, Mingus already had a game of Black Ops going, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth in concentration. I laughed softly before walking towards the kitchen.

"You want anything to eat? I was just about to fix something for us 3." I spoke up and he looked at me before smiling and nodding his head.

"Yes please." He spoke, turning back to the game as I got to the kitchen. I flicked the light on and stood there for a few seconds, debating on what to fix. I decided on spaghetti and garlic bread seeing as I knew I had everything I needed for that. I took my hat off my head and threw it on the counter behind me before reaching for the pot I used to boil noodles in. I walked to the sink and filled it with water before placing it on the stove, turning it on high before making my way to the fridge. I wrapped my hand around the cool handle and gently pulled, the door opening automatically. I grabbed the hamburger meat out of its spot and placed it on the counter before closing the fridge and walking to the counter. I shrugged my jacket off quickly, leaving me in just my white v neck and black joggers. I pushed the stray hair out of my face before grabbing a skillet and placing it on the stove, turning on the eye and placing the just unwrapped meat in it. As I did this, I looked into the living room through the opening that was in the kitchen and saw Norman had joined Mingus in a game of Black Ops. From the sound of it, N kept killing Mingus because he kept getting agitated, letting out aggravated sighs.

"Dad stop!! Not fair!! You're supposed to let the kid win." He whined as Norman shot him again, killing his character.

"Says who?" He questioned and Mingus rolled his eyes before turning back to the game. This went on for a lot longer and by the time Mingus gave up, the food was ready.

"Alright you numpty's, foods done." I spoke, plating the yummy food before sliding the two plates across the bar and in front of 2 empty seats. They quickly dropped the controllers and walked over towards the bar and taking a seat.

"This looks great KJ." Norman spoke, picking up his fork and taking a bite of the pasta in front of him. I put a little bit of the spaghetti on my plate and sat it down in front of me before grabbing two waters and a coke from the fridge. I placed the waters in front of N and I, handing the coke to Ming who took it gratefully.

"It's really good Ms. Kendall. Thank you." he spoke between mouthfuls of food and I rolled my eyes at him before smiling.

"You goofball, I told you to call me Kendall. I'm glad you like it though." I spoke, twirling some noodles around on my fork before popping it into my mouth. I inwardly moaned as the gooey delicious landed on my taste buds. I hadn't had anything home cooked to eat since I left for New York. No one really talked as we ate, too hungry to have time. Soon, we were scraping at nothing, our bellies full to our satisfaction. I collected my plate before grabbing N and Mingus' empty plates and placing them in the sink.

H.O.L.Y (Norman Reedus love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat