~Chapter 15~

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Hey you lovies!! Here is another chapter and it is chapter 15 at that!! Please please please please vote and comment!! I love you all and thank you so much for the support!!



Wash. Fold. Put away. Repeat. That has been my routine for the past 2 ½ hours as I caught up on doing laundry from my trip to NYC. I was in the midst of throwing my last load into the washer when my phone rang. I groaned before placing the clothes basket on the edge of the washer before taking off towards the kitchen table where my phone was resting. I know it should be in the laundry room with me, but I don't want to risk throwing it in the washer like someone I know did one time. I.E. Me. I reached my phone, whisking it off of the table and bringing it up to my face, reading the caller ID. It was Chad. I quickly slid the green bar before bringing the phone up to my ear, slowly walking back to the laundry room.

"Hey!" I spoke into the phone, making my re-entry into the laundry room before dumping the rest of dirty clothes into the washer and placing the basket back on the floor.

"Hey sis! What are you up to?" he spoke into the phone, the sound of an engine roaring to life in the backdrop.

"Oh, just got back home from New York a little while ago, and I am doing some laundry that desperately needed to be done. What about you?" I spoke, balancing the phone between my shoulder and cheek as I stretched my arm into one of the cabinets for the detergent. I wrapped my hand around the plastic handle and pulled it down from the shelf before pouring the blue liquid into the washer. I twisted the lid back on before sliding the detergent back in the cabinet before shutting it and slamming the lid of the washing machine. I turned it on to the right settings and walked out of the laundry room, flicking the light off as I shuffled out.

"Nothing. I was going to see if I could stop by for a bit, catch up?" he questioned and I smiled, loving the idea of talking with my baby bro for a bit.

"Absolutely! That would be nice! Just ring the system when you get here and I will let you in!" I stated, walking up the stairs to put on some more appropriate clothes. I was currently in a loose mid stomach tank top and some high-waisted Pink leggings. I am positive that Chad would not want to see his older sister in this.

"Alright! I should be there in about 15 minutes!" he spoke before the line went dead. I rolled my blue eyes before walking into my bedroom, tossing my phone onto my bed before walking over to my drawers. I grabbed a random T shirt that I most likely took from Lauren before closing that drawer and pulling my shorts drawer open. I grabbed a pair of blue jean shorts before stripping out of my previous clothes and putting on the new items. I threw the abandoned clothes into my hamper and grabbed my phone off of my bed that, for the record, I was so looking forward to sleeping in in the next 5 hours (maybe less, who knows). I flicked my bedroom light off as I walked out of my bedroom and back down the stairs. As soon as my converse clad foot made contact with the wooden floor on the 1st level of my home, the buzzing sound of my intercom system filled the house. Did I forget to mention I had one of those? I rarely use it though.

"Ken, its Chad!" my brother's voice boomed through the speaker as I shuffled over to the panel on my wall across from the stairs. I pressed the speaker button before talking.

"It should be open! If not, ya know where the key is bubs." I spoke jokingly before buzzing him in. He opened the front door and immediately made eye contact with me as he walked through, shutting it behind him.

"Very funny Kendall, veryyyyyy funny." He spoke, shutting the door behind him before walking down the hallway. He walked up to me and pulled me into a quick hug, him towering over me. We pulled away and I sent him a playful smirk before clobbering him on the back of his head, then shuffling away towards the kitchen.

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