Chapter 2

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Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying this story so far! I know it is a bit bad now, but I can promise it will get better later on! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Vote comment and spread the word!



"Tall Vanilla Bean Frappuccino please." I spoke, moving a stray piece of hair out of my blue eyes.

"Is that all?"the waiter asked and I turned towards Lauren.

"I would like the same please." she said and he rung up another frap before the total popped up onto the screen.

"5.46." he said and I pulled out my wallet, grabbing my card and swipping it in the little machine thing. He printed the receipt out before handing it to me along with a pen.

"Sign here, and your drinks will be out in a minute." I took the pen from his grasp, scratching my messy signature into the paper before handing it back to him.

"You did not have to pay for my drink." Lauren said, leaning against the marble counter.

"How many times have you paid for my things?" I asked and she looked down at the ground, a ghost of a smile crossing her face.

"Exactly. Besides, it is just a drink. You have bought me a lot more expensive things." I said and she nodded before her phone rang. She quickly answered it, holding her finger up to me and walking away. I stayed where I was and waited on our drinks, knowing it was probably work on the phone with her.

"Kendall and Lauren." the guy said and I walked forward and grabbed our drinks.

"Thank you!" I said and he nodded.

"No problem! Have a great rest of the day!"

"You too!" I said, walking outside to wait for Lauren to finish her phone call. She quickly bid goodbye to whoever was on the phone and walked towards me, taking her drink.

"What was that about?" I asked her, pulling my sunglasses down to cover my eyes.

"That was Robert."

"As in Kirkman?" I asked her, double checking myself.

"Yes. They need me on set in the next 45 minutes to film. The good thing is, from here, the set is 5-10 minutes away. The bad, we do not have time to go back to your house to get my car, meaning you have to go with me." she said and I nodded my head, walking towards my car with her right beside me.

"That's fine with me, but don't you need a pass to get into set? I do not have one." I said, throwing her my car keys so she can drive, because I had no idea how to get there. She caught them and got into the driver's seat and I got in the passenger's. She put the key in the ignition and turning it, the engine reving to life.

"I told Kirkman you were with me, and they said they will have you a lanyard at the front by the time we get there, so you can come back with me if you want." she said, driving towards wherever the filming location was being held. We quickly arrived, and pulled up to a security gate.

"Excuse me ma'am, you can not be here. This is a private set." the guard said.

"Hey Kennie, it's Lauren." she said and he bent down to look into the window.

"Oh! Hey Lauren! I'm sorry, I did not recognize the car." he said, looking at me weirdly.

"Kennie, this is Kendall, my best friend whose car I am driving." she said and he turned around and grabbed something before giving it to me.

"Nice to meet you. This is your pass. You will need to wear it at all times that you are on the set with Lauren so someone does not mistake you for a crazy fan." he said and I nodded, slipping the lanyard over my head and letting it fall to my chest.

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