Chapter 10

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Hiiii guys! I didn't really get much feedback on the last chapter, but I really need to know what you like and don't like about this book! As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote and comment! Also, I am so so so so so so so sorry this took so long!!! please forgive me!



"Home sweet home." I mumbled as I walked inside Lauren and I's shared apartment in New York City. I decided it was time to come back and spend a few days here, wanting to visit my mom, Brooke and the city. I placed my luggage beside the door, deciding to get it later before I walked out onto the balcony that overlooked NYC. I placed my hands on the cool railing, taking in a deep breath, closing my eyes and letting out a soft sigh. I loved it here. Yeah it might be noisy and crowded, but it was my home away from home. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted from my thoughts when my phone started ringing. I quickly fished it out of my pocket and answered it, not looking at the contact.

"Hello?" I spoke, leaning up against the balcony railing, taking in the view.

"KJ! My friend!" Steven's voice said into the phone and I pulled it away from my ear and looked at the contact name. 'Lauren' was across the top of the screen and I put the phone back to my ear in confusion.

"Why are you on Lauren's phone?" I questioned, knowing he stole it from her or something along those lines.

"I just felt like calling people off of hers." he spoke and I heard a faint 'Give me my phone back you bitch.' in the background and I knew it was Lauren.

"Steven, we are friends and all, but give the phone back to her." I said, a few spurts of laughs leaving my lips as I heard him grumble.

"Thanks Kendall. What's up?" Lauren asked, once she was given back her phone.

"Ah nothing. Just got to the apartment. How's Theo?" I questioned, missing my fur baby already.

"I'm doing great. Thanks for asking." Lauren said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes before laughing.

"How are you La?" I asked, a goofy grin on my face.

"I'm great! Thanks for asking! Theo is great by the way."

"Well that's good. Are you at work?"

"I actually just got off. Today was a half day, so we all just got off. We are actually off the rest of this week." She spoke and I nodded, before realizing she couldn't see me.

"That's good. What is everyone up to?" I questioned, walking back into the apartment and shutting the balcony door.

"Leaving mostly. Norman left a few minutes ago, wanting to go spend time with Mingus. He also misses you." she spoke and I smiled slightly before laughing.

"Hahahahah you are so funny." I said sarcastically, messing with her.

"Stop being sarcastic bitch. I am telling you the truth." she spoke and I bit my lip, something I did often when I was nervous or deep in thought.

"I know you are. Anyway, I am going to go and take a nap or something before I have to unpack. I will call you later L." I spoke, walking down the hallway and into my bedroom, plopping down onto my bed.

"Alright KJ. Call me later. Bye." she spoke before I was met with the dial tone. I slipped under the covers and placed my phone beside me, deciding on a short nap before I did anything. My eyes closed as soon as I hit the pillows, and I slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Short nap? Haha that didn't happen. I rolled over with a groan as my phone rang, waking me up from my nap. I picked it up, sliding to answer, before placing the phone on my ear, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Whoever you are, you woke me up." I grumbled into my phone, snuggling deeper into my blankets.

"Well hello to you to babe." a deep, raspy voice responded with a chuckle and I was instantly more alert.

"Hey you." I spoke, my voice cheerful, but still laced with sleep.

"I didn't mean to wake you up. I can let you go back to sleep if you want." Norman spoke softly into the phone and I pouted. I miss him. Gah and we aren't even official!

"No, you are absolutely fine! I needed to get up anyway. What are you doing?" I questioned, sitting up in bed, knowing that if I laid down any longer I would fall back asleep.

"Just hanging around with Mingus. He is playing video games and I decided to come have a quick smoke break and call you because it has been too long since I heard your voice." he said, a puff of air being blown out following that.

"Aww. You're too sweet. I was beginning to miss the sound of yours. I am beginning to regret coming to NYC because I miss home too much." I spoke softly, toying with the bottom of my t shirt.

"Baby, believe me, I miss you too. We all do. You will be home In 4 days time, and when you are, you and I are going to spend time together." I smiled as he spoke, gently pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Sounds amazing. I still have to meet Mingus, too."

"You can meet him too. He has been dying to meet you by the way. He has heard from everyone that you are amazing and better at pranks than me.

"Everyone or you?" I teased, wishing I was with him back in Georgia.

"Fine, you caught me." he teased back and I let out a laugh before growing quiet, letting my thoughts consume me.

"Ken?" Norman questioned, breaking me out of my head.


"What is it? I know you are thinking about something." he spoke and I dragged my hand down my face before answering.

"Its just, I have been thinking about something lately, and it just will not quit bothering me." I spoke, getting ready to ask what I have been wanting to ask for a while now.

"What is it K?" he questioned, his voice laced with nerves.

"What are we?" I finally spit out, my mouth moving faster than my brain could.

"Well, it is pretty clear the feelings I have for you and you have for me." he answered obviously and I laughed before shaking my head and getting back to the point.

"I know that, believe me. I just do not want to put myself out there and end up getting crushed.

"Babe, listen to me. I would never in a million years think about hurting you. You are kind, gorgeous, talented, outstanding, down right perfect in my eyes. I want to be with you, I really do. I am just waiting for the right time K." he said and I about fell off my bed then. A giant grin took permanent hold over my face and I tried so hard not to squeal while on the phone with him.

"You do?"

"I do babe. Listen, I hate that I have to go, but Ming wants me to play a game with him, and I have been out here for 20 minutes."

"It's alright. I understand, he comes first. Always."

"Thank you Kendall. I promise to call you later."

"Sounds perfect. Bye N."

"Bye Bye."

I hung up my phone and literally plopped back down on my plush bed. My eyes wandered up to look at the ceiling as I grinned and thought about what he said.

I'm slowly falling for him....

and I'm falling hard.

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