0.2 ; Confusing

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Just as I was about to call for help the door opened and in walked Liam, with Scott of course. The beta never goes anywhere without his alpha.

"Where did you go?" I'd yelled quietly at him a glare on my face as he not so subtly cowered behind Scott,

"I went to get Scott, the better question is what did you do?" He'd asked looking around at the singed walls, they were covered in black soot and almost unrecognisable to the one blue colour they were,

He must've left while I was deep in my thoughts much like I am now. I walked up to Scott and pulled Liam from behind him, throwing my arms around him. He hugged me back and dig his head into my neck.

"Haley, did you do this?" Scott asked pointing around the room,

I pulled away from Liam hesitantly and slowly nodded.

Liam looked at my hands that had a black powder on them, "So she's something supernatural." He turned to Scott,

"Maybe I've never seen anything like her before, maybe we should get her to Deaton's he might know what we're dealing with." He answered with confused covering his face,

"Hey!" I shouted getting their attention, "She." I added pointing towards me with my soot covered hands, "Is still here." I finished,

Liam laughed nervously while bringing his hand to his neck. Scott only had that same confused look on his face.

"So what am I?" I asked not really expecting a clear answer from either of them,

Scott shrugged and stepped forward before placing his hand softly on my shoulder that was only being covered by the robe.

"We're taking you to Deaton's."

* * *

So now I'm sitting in the same vet as I sat in on my last night alive. It sounds mad when I say that, does it make me a zombie? I'm dead so if I'm alive again wouldn't that make me a zombie? Wait are zombies even real?

Multiple questions shot through my head, which were of no use.

All I know is that I was dead and now I'm not, I was dead. It's not everyday you can say that about yourself, well at least I can cross it off my bucket list.

'Die then come back to life.'

I don't think that many people have been able to say that, in fact it's going on my résumé. Of course that will help me get a job, who doesn't want a resurrected supernatural creature.

Since coming to the clinic I hadn't let the metal table while Deaton conducted test on me. The consisted of blood tests fingerprints they even had some guy Argent in. They think I'm two supernatural creatures considering I'm a chimera, they just want to find out what two.

From what Deaton has found out he thinks I'm a werecoyote. He just can't seem to pin me down to another creature.

It's just too confusing.

* * *
Not as good as I wanted it to be but I wrote it while walking around a shop because that's the only time I'll have internet until later tonight. See you soon. And what do you think Haley is. Best answer gets a shout out.


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