1.4 ; Save Me To

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1.4 ; SAVE ME TO

"What do you want." I shouted to the figure that was lurking around in the shadows,

"You were right. He was putting things into my head." The figure emerged from the shadows revealing a face that I should have known but I don't,

"It's too late now Hayden." I told her with no remorse in my voice if she was going to only talk to me civilly only after Theo had done something then I wanted no part in it but clearly that didn't sink in,

"Does anything feel real to you, like nothing feels real." She admitted leaning against the small wall running her fingers through her hair and gripping the roots tightly,

"Nothing did apart from Liam." I spoke out against my will as I heard a small exasperated sigh from her,

"What is it about Liam?" She shouted frustratedly pushing herself softly away from the was as she walked gingerly towards me,

"He makes me feel normal, and well alive." I admitted trying to shrug my shoulders but in reality I was crying on the inside words cannot explain how much I miss him right now,

I wish he would just burst through the door and save me but I'm not sure if he will after what happened, who knows if he even still likes me at all.

"I get it your in love but Haley, you'll find other boys can't you just forget about this one?" He begged me a pleading look in her eye as she looked down at my body on the table,

"Why? You said he was good for me the night that we were taken." I queried now confused she had told me that he made me a better person but now she was saying other things,

"He did this to you, he made you what you are. Theo said-"

"I don't care what Theo said Hayden, Liam did not make me this way and no matter what you say or do would convince me otherwise. I love Liam and he will find me." I shouted at the top of my lungs now beginning to squirm about in my restraints,

I end up being restrained a lot recently or kidnapped, also blacking out I do a lot of that to. I can't seem to catch a break.

"Calm down missy, Theo says you stay here until Scott comes and rescues you so sit tight." She sent me a smile tapping my chest before walking off,

"Hayden! Hayden don't leave me here please!" I cried out memories of what happened the night we were taken flooding into my mind as my chest started closing in on me and my air flow was cut of,

"Hayden I can't - I can't - b-breath." I gasped as I heard her halt her movements and turn back around quickly running back to me,

"Oh god, Haley just breath." She attempted to soothe me by pressing her hand to my forehead as she searched around her frantically,

She quickly started undoing the straps holding me down and bringing me to the floor with her as she softly ran her fingers over my hair.

"Come on Haley your strong please breathe, I know I'm not the best but your all I have Val doesn't know me like you do." She began crying into my hair as the words slipped from her mouth effortlessly,

I would also be crying if I didn't feel like someone was squeezing my lungs.

The big room began filling with footsteps a lot of them.

I could see figures come round the corner and silently prayed for them to be someone saving me.

"What's wrong with her." I heard Hayden cry as the footsteps got closer,

"Failure." The voice spoke slowly and I knew who it was,


: : :

I was now perfectly back to normal and laying against a wall with Hayden, we forgave each other and decided that we were the only people who really understood each other.

"Do you think they're going to come for you?" Hayden asked hopefully as she looked up at me,

"I'd like to think they're already here just waiting for the right time." I smiled resting my head against her shoulder I may be her twin but we are non identical we look similar and you can tell we're sisters but other than that nada,

"Will they save me to?" She asked me again with a crack in her voice,

"Honestly? I wouldn't let them leave without you." I smiled bringing her into a hug,

No matter how messed up my life got I will always treasure having Hayden she keeps me grounded.

Always and forever.

: : :

Hey I'm back so!!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted, this book was originally finished but when I posted that it wasn't I still thought it was until earlier tonight so I tried to make a somewhat decent chapter for you.


You can rant at me now.
I hope this makes up for it.

xxxxxx kisses for my fishes

xxxxxx kisses for my fishes(😂😂😂😂)

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