1.3 ; Pink Daisies

493 21 9


"Haley let me in!" Liam shouted from the other side of the door his hand pounding at the same time,

"Tell him I'm not here." I mouthed to Scott who was sitting confused on his bed before his face lit up in realisation as he gave me a thumbs up,

"I'm not here." He answered Liam making me mentally face palm myself,


"No tell him I'm not here as in Haley's not here." I corrected as he gave me another nod,

"I mean Haleys not here."

"I can hear her heartbeat and I'm pretty sure your room doesn't smell like pink daisies." He argued as Scott let out a sigh of defeat,

"Fine." Scott pushed himself off his bed to go and open the door,

To stop him I decided to dive at his legs and grab a hold of them.

"Let go!" Scott shouted trying to pry me off him but my grip got tighter as he still tried to walk foreword,

"Haley I'm being serious leg go." I didn't leave go in fact I could feel myself heating up,

"Haley why is my leg burning?" He asked looking down at me as his eyes widened,

"Haley leave go your losing it."

I could feel a huge pain hit me like a ton of bricks, I left go of Scott's legs and dropped to the floor bringing my hands up to my head.

Then everything went black.

: : :

A bright light greeted me as I opened my eyes.

I brought my hand up to stop the lift from potentially blinding me when u heard a chuckle.

"Long time no see."

* * *

This update isn't long because it deleted and I couldn't be bothered to rewrite it all again.

Do you want a Third Person POV of what happened when Haley blacked out.


Like one second she's like haha I holding onto your legs and next she's like

I'm not letting go AHHH my head oh no


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Vote to let me know if it's okay, it only takes like two seconds, and comment your genuine non filtered opinions they're usually the best

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