0.4 ; Tied Down

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As my eyes opened a bright light greeted me, causing me to hide my face.

"She's awake. No they haven't yet. I'll take care of her. No she won't. Send her over." I heard someone say as I turned my head I saw Theo standing above me,

I tried to get out of the seat but quickly found out that I was strapped down to a metal table much like the one I had been strapped to the night before I died. I'll never get over being able to say that. I was dead and now I'm alive. I snapped out of my thoughts before trying once again yo wiggle out of my restrains.

"Don't try." I heard Theo say as he walked over to the table again,

He pointed down at the restrains with his claws out, this was official I was tied down to a table with a boy I want to kill.

"What do you want." I spat angrily I knew if I had the strength that I would have been off the table seconds ago,

"I want to know what you are." He told me while circling the table, "Hayden is a were-coyote and werewolf." He paused and my face dropped at the mention of Hayden's name,

"What did you do to her?" I screamed wiggling more in my restrains I hear them tear slightly but I don't think Theo did because he didn't react,

"She hates you." He said simply looking at me in pity,


I don't want his pity I want his head on a stake so everyone can see it.

"What did you do." I screamed louder shaking again,

I screamed as loud as I could but it wasn't just a scream it slowly morphed into a growl. A loud one to.

My hands started heating up and before I knew it I was on top of Theo hitting him with no remorse what so ever.

"What did you do." I screamed again only this time I was grabbed and pulled off of Theo,

As I turned to attack whoever had just pulled me off him, I stopped and so did my heart.


"Your okay." I whispered walking up to her only to have her push me away,

"You left me." She mumbled under hear breath but it was just loud enough for me to hear,

"No I-" I started trying to defend myself and tell her that Theo had gotten into her head,

"You left me." She growled cutting me off,

I never really thought about her as a chimera I just though of her as my sister. She was no different to me.

"Hayden there wasn't a day I didn't think about you." I told her sincerely making forward again but she pushed me harder causing me to fall to the floor,

"Liar. You didn't even cry once. I was dead Haley and what were you doing? Making out with Liam Freaking Dunbar!" She shouted coming closer to me her claws extended and her fangs showing clearly,

"I was dead to! Or don't you get that. I didn't cry because most of my time after you died was spent running fighting or dying. I died Hayden just like you. Don't let him." I motioned over to an unconscious Theo, "Get into you head. And I did think about you. I felt guilty because I was alive and you weren't. I took almost three weeks off school because I could go without you. I felt like I left something behind and I did. I left you. You were taken from me and I couldn't to a thing." I got up and walked towards her angrily, "So next time you want to believe Theo remember who your actual family is." I spat before leaving her there speechless,

I walked out of the sewer not even looking back, then started walking. The trees were passing me by and made me feel calm. Something I only felt with Liam.

* * *

I had walked around a mile and had no idea where is was, then I broke down and started crying, in the middle of a road.

A blue jeep drove near me and I instantly recognised it as Stiles'. He stopped next to me and rolled down the window.


* * *
So was this chapter okay or not. I really got into the Halden argument. There isn't really a lot with Hayden and Haley together but I want to put more in.

Hope you like it I'll try and update as soon as possible.

If you want to read more teen wolf books I have one called Thomas out and it's about Stiles' twin called Thomas.

Hope you enjoyed please comment, vote and fan.

I'm reading through this a day later and realising that the title sounds kinky 😂😂😂

- 🌸Kiwi🌸

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