0.6 ; Good Look

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I looked up at the ceiling of Liam's room, I had woken up two hours ago and can't go back to sleep. Not that I intended to, I was too engrossed with Liams adorable sleeping state.

I would have never guessed that he slept on the left side of the bed, he seems like the 'I need the entire bed' kind of guy.

He shifted in his sleep bumping into me and wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him.

I surprisingly feel back to sleep.

* * *

"Liam get up you have school." I heard the voice of a woman call causing me to jump up,

Liam moved next to me and offered a small smile, "Do you want to borrow some clothes?" He asked moving over to his dresser pulling out a pair of three quarter sweats. I put on my tshirt from yesterday along with my shoes.

I had no make up with me so I obviously looked like a mess

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I had no make up with me so I obviously looked like a mess. I heard someone cough behind me, I turned and saw Liam looking at me with rosie cheeks. I realised I had just changed in front of him, so my cheeks were starting to turn red. There we stood in the middle of the room both with rosie cheeks.

I turned back around and composed myself before speaking, "Sorry I forgot you were in here." I breathed out playing with my hands,

"It's okay. Come on we need to leave for school." He told me completely forgetting about the events that happened seconds ago before dragging me out the door and to the big yellow bus,

* * *

At school there were a lot of stares but I decided that I shouldn't pay attention to.

I had just finished my lesson and it was currently lunch, so I sat near Liam.

I had this urge I don't know what it is, but I stood up, not that any of the boys noticed, and followed it. I was surprised when I came to the boys locker room.

I was dragged inside, a hand over my mouth. I tried screaming but decided it was no use, I don't think anyone could hear me. In seconds I was pinned against the lockers with Theo standing directly in front of me.

"What do you want?" I growled feeling myself shift slightly,

"Woah that's a good look for you." He told me with a chuckle,

I looked at him confused which he quickly caught onto, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards a mirror. I was scared of my own reflection.

I had brown and red patterns moving across my skin, it looked metallic, it looked like it was on fire, and my fangs were kind of small almost like a betas. The odd thing was I didn't have any claws.

"You my friend are one of a kind, we'll sort of." He laughed before disappearing out of sight,

I had enough so I ran out of the locker room and to my locker, grabbing all my stuff before running out of school to the woods.

The one question that was on my mind.

Did Theo know what I was?

* * *
Are the chapters getting boring? I feel like they are but Anyways.
In the next two or three chapters you'll find out what Haley is. I was going to make a new book with this creature in it but decided against it because I like the way it fits in with my plot. I won't be posting a lot for a while because I want to get my plot sorted and write a few chapters first.

Anyway. Hope you liked it.

See you in the next chapter.

- 🌸Kiwi🌸

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