0.7 ; Trapped

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I was still running the same question popping through my mind the second I stopped. So I didn't, I just kept running until my legs became sore and achy then I collapsed.

My body instantly made contact with the floor and cause a large snap to echo through the forest.

I screamed in pain as I looked down at my leg, that was now kept in place by a bear trap. The blood was flowing down my leg and it wouldn't stop neither did my screams and cries for help.

At one point I tried to open the trap but all my energy was gone. I could feel the one on my leg slowly snapping and I have was almost positive I heard a crunch at one point.

The excruciating pain only stopped when I blacked out for the one millionth time this week.

* * *

Liam's POV

Haley didn't show up for last period but I'm sure she has a valid reason as to why.

Once the bell went signifying the end of class I flew out of my seat, along with my stuff, and bolted for the door hoping that Haley would be there.

She wasn't.

I met up with Scott who was waiting at the end of the hallway for me and Haley considering we were meant to take her to Deaton's today for more testing. He says that he's narrowed it down to two species of supernatural creatures, bird and sea creatures. They are two completely different things but he told us they fit her description so we need to take her there.

"Is she already there?" I asked once I reached Scott who instantly started walking again,

"She wasn't in class." He turned to face me,

"No." I told him slowly quirking an eyebrow in confusion,

Wouldn't Haley wait for us.

"Maybe she's at the Clinic already." He suggested making me nod,

Hopefully she's there.

* * *

"Where is she?" I asked looking around the clinic once more,

We couldn't find her and it was starting to panic me.

Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is she dead?

The last part panicked me the most, we live in Beacon Hills after all who knows what can happen here.

We've already had the assassins and the creepy dread doctors and that's been since I've arrived.

The main question running through my mind was.

Where is she?

* * *

Haley's POV

I woke up and realised it was dark. It certainly wasn't when I fell asleep, or passed out.

I wonder is anyone has noticed I'm gone.

My thoughts were confirmed when I heard someone calling my name.

"Haley!" I heard them shout I instantly recognised her voice as Kira,

Me and Kira had grown quite close in the short time we knew each other, there isn't anyone else - apart from Liam - that I really wanted to find me.

"Here." I croaked out my throat now sore from all the screaming and crying earlier,

The leaves near me rustled and out came Kira with a sad expression on her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked me trying to get me up that only caused me to scream in pain,

She looked confused at first but when I pointed to the bear trap around my ankle a hurt expression started to appear on her face. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and started to phone someone.

"I found her. No she's got a bear trap around her leg. She's really weak and pale. She doesn't too look good either. I need help. Okay see you soon." She said onto the phone her voice cracking at the end,

"Scotts on his way with Liam, apparently Liam hasn't been okay without you." She told me softly,

"What do you mean?" I asked shifting so I could get a better look at her,

"He's been really sad one minute then angry the next. Convinced that someone has tried to kidnap you. He's tearing things apart." She laughed softly trying to ease the tension that had unknowingly built up,

"I don't blame him. Have you met me?" I asked her sarcastically with a laugh at the end,

"You really are something." She muttered looking down, "Your laying in the forest at eleven at night and your still being sarcastic as heck." She laughed again,

"It's just my personality I guess." I shrugged pursing my lips, "Wanna know my motto?" I asked her to which she replied with a nod,

"If life drags you down, drag it down with you." I told her and she nodded with a smile now making its way onto her face,

"That's actually pretty good." She told me turning her head as the leaves crunched behind her,

Out of the shadow came Scott, Stiles and Liam. I couldn't have been more happy to see them.

Liam started running once he spotted me and tried to pick me up but I just yelped in pain before shaking my head and pointing at the bear trap.

His eyes widened at the amount of blood and Stiles went pale.

I offered a small smile of reassurance before Scott walked up to me and ripped the bear trap off my ankle easily me groaning in response. I had never felt more relieved to have that darn trap off my ankle in my life.

But Scott said it was clearly broken and I wouldn't be able to walk so Liam picked me up and carried to the jeep.

When I was safely inside I snuggled up to Liam, "Thanks for coming for me."

"I'll never leave you behind." He told me kissing my forehead, "Not again." He muttered under his breath,

He drew circles on the exposed skin of my stomach slowly lulling me to sleep.

* * *
How was that I actually planned that one and I have the next two chapters done so expect those soon too.

I made these ones longer as they are more important to the story. I can finally watch the rest of teen wolf now. YAY!!!!!

Also two updates in one day. Whoop!!!

- 🌸Kiwi🌸

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