0.3 ; Nudity

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0.3 ; NUDITY

I don't remember leaving the clinic not do I remember arriving at a bridge. That's where I am now, laying on a wooden bridge with a small stream underneath. I hear the sound of leaves cracking behind me causing my body to shift, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swung around and hit them in the face with the back of my hand, a groan came from behind me.

When I turned I noticed Theo standing behind me in all his naked glory, not that I was looking.

"Haley!" He asked wide eyed trying to get a better look at my face,

"That's my name." I answered sarcastically backing up a bit from him,

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You died."

I groaned and brought my hand to my head, "Now I'm not, anything new?" I asked him crossing my arms and looking at him with a raised eyebrow,

"You were dead." He muttered, mostly to himself but because of my new found supernatural abilities I was able to hear it perfectly,

"I know idiot." I snapped, not really having time for any of this I just want to know where I am and how to get back,

I shook my head and asked something I would probably regret later, "Hey can you help me get home?"

"Sure." He answered, very simply as if he hadn't really thought about it too much but more like he had just spoken the first word that came to mind, it sounded robotic,

"Just put some pants on." I told him, waving down to his lower torso where his manhood was on display for everybody,

"They're behind you. Mind getting them for me." He asked, pointing behind me to a tree stub where there were a pair of pants, shoes and a black v-neck t-shirt,

I turned around and grabbed them before throwing them to him as though I would contract a disease of I held them much longer.

He muttered a thanks before quickly pulling on his pants and his shoes then he finally pulled his shirt over his head.

I stood there in my shorts and tank top freezing until he lead me to his black/blue jeep and helped me get in. I hadn't been in here since the night Hayden was taken.


"Hey do you by any chance know what happened to Hayden?" I asked, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear making me look more shy than I meant to look,

"She's fine." He answered simply before starting the car and driving off,

I didn't want to question him further because I know if I do I'll just be digging a deeper hole, one that could lead to me getting hurt. I don't want that.

I leaned my head against the window with a huff before I let my eyes close and the darkness consume me once again.

* * *

A rattling noise broke me from my sleep, I jolted up and looked at Theo who was still driving as expected. But when I looked forward we were not on the road back to Scotts.

"Where are we?" I asked, sitting up and flattening out my top and rubbing my hands up my arms to try and produce some heat,

Theo looked over to me and noticed me rubbing my arms together.

"If you want I have a spare hoodie in the back." He told me pointing towards a blue hoodie that was hanging off the back seat,

I turned around in my seat and grabbed the blue piece of fabric before slipping it on.

"Where are we?" I asked again, become irritated by the amount of time we had spent in the car together,

I had never really liked Theo, never. Hayden did she said she felt as though she trusted him, for some strange unknown reason. I never did, he creeped me out.

Usually when I have a feeling I'm right so I don't know why Hayden didn't trust me. I'm always right. Always.

"I'm taking you to Liams." He told me simply, once again, before he concentrated on driving,

I once again leaned my head against the window except this time before I could fall asleep I felt the jeep come into contact with something solid, and me not having my seatbelt on flew right through the front window, screaming as I went, onto the ground in front before blacking out on impact.

* * *
I'm sorry they're not that long and sorry for the sort of cliff hanger but I don't really know where this story is going please help me out. What do you want to happen?

- 🌸KIWI🌸

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