Chapter 12

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I wake up to a nice warmth. I roll over and nuzzle into the warmth but then open my eyes. I'm met with Daryl's calm sleeping face. I have to hold in a sigh of delight. Daryl opens one eye and then another. It takes a moment for him to process that he is holding me close to him.

"What the hell?" He almost yells but doesn't.

"We didn't do anything if you're wondering." I hum.

He stares at me and slowly gets up.

"Get out." He demands.

I'm confused and it shows on my face.

"I need to get changed." He rolls his eyes.

I stare at him and walk out slowly.

After I get outside the tent, Shane asks to speak with me alone. I follow him and he takes me to an abandoned part of the farm away from everyone else.

"What is it?" I question.

He says nothing and advances towards me.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a nervous tone.

The last thing I see is Rick and Daryl running towards Shane. Rick getting shoved to the ground and Daryl punching Shane.

Daryl POV

My mind races as I pick up (y/n). Where do I bring her? Rick keeps Shane in a tight hold as Hershel runs over.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Shane was trying to do somethin'" I growl out.

What would Shane have done if Rick and I hadn't interfered? I shudder to think of it. Rick glances at (y/n).

I hand (y/n) to Hershel and stomp over to Rick and Shane. I grab Shane by his shirt collar and throw him to the ground.

"Don't EVER touch her again! Do you hear me ya' asshole?" I shout at him.

Rick nods his head and kicks Shane once before explaining what happened to Hershel while glancing at (y/n).

God, I hope she's okay...

Short update I know. Sorry. Thanks for all the support. I'm in testing right now and reading three books at once so I need breaks. Thank you for reading! ❤️🌚

Daryl Dixon x reader x Rick Grimes (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now