Chapter 14

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Edited due to my saying Lori was dead then having her reappear in this chapter...

After what happened with Shane, Daryl and Rick stayed close to me. My sister was mad at Shane. Maggie and Glenn were looking more and more like a couple, so I was starting to wonder if they were just friends or more than that.

Glenn, of course, denied it when I asked him, Maggie denied it too. I ship it Maggie x Glenn will happen, I know it will.

Merle is still missing, which made my sister kind of depressed because the men she liked were either psychotic or missing.

We couldn't find Sophia. No matter what we did we couldn't find her. I went out to look one time with Maggie and Glenn and I nearly got bitten.

Then Daryl had to go get his stupid ass hurt. I was upset because Andrea had almost shot him. I yelled at her, she yelled at me. Everything is going wrong for me right now.

Rick was having trouble because it was Shane's baby that Lori had given birth to. Rick needs a shoulder to cry on (or talk) so I told him I'd always be there for him.

Daryl is now resting in a tent so I decided to visit him. Andrea had just walked out and she glared at me. I looked at her with sad (e/c) eyes.

I entered his tent and he looked at me.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I questioned.

"I feel like shit. How do you think I feel?" He answered back sassily.

I gave a small laugh and sat next to him.

"Do you think we'll ever find Sophia? Merle? Will this hell ever end?" I wondered out loud.

"Who knows." He replied.

"I just want to make it through. I don't want to become one of those things." I whispered.

"You won't. I'll make sure of it."

I blushed lightly and turned my head to the side.

"I'll hold you to that, Dixon." I casually say, ignoring the blush on my face.

"I promise nothin' will get ya', (l/n)." He replies back with a smirk.

I then remember that my sister and I were supposed to clean the clothing with Maggie and Beth. Beth was such a sweet and kind girl, shame she got dragged into this mess.

Maggie still denies being with Glenn, but I found that box of condoms and there was one used. Maggie and Glenn had gone to get this stuff, so I know what happened between them.

After excusing myself politely, I make my way towards my sister, who is standing next to Maggie and staying away from Beth for some reason. Odd.

"Hey!" I call out and jog over, not noticing Rick eyeing me longingly.

"Ready to clean? I sure am!" I say enthusiastically but still sarcastically.

"Yeah! Come on, we'll show you where we clean the clothing!" Beth says happily.

My sister was now glaring at Beth, so I looked at her quizzically.

"(S/n), may I talk to you in private for a second?" I request warily.

She nods and we walk off to behind some trees.

"So. What did you want to talk to me about?" She snaps.

"Why are you glaring at Beth? Did something happen between you two?" I quiz her.

"I just don't like her and her stupid blonde hair and perfect body. I mean, I'm way better than her." She spat out rudely.

I'm in shock, " What did Beth ever do to you?" I gasp.

"Exist. That's what she did." She replies with a slight snarl.

Before I can say anything, Maggie walks over and I can feel her glaring at my sister. I then wonder if she heard our conversation. And if she had, who else also heard it? Hershel walks over as if to confirm who else had heard it.

He says nothing and shakes his head at my sister. Maggie gently grabs my arms and leads me away. I look over my shoulder and. Realize that the whole camp had heard what my sister said. Only Shane was smiling.

"I hate you all! I'm better than all of you idiots! I'll show you that I'm better than that blonde bitch! I will! I'm better at living and surviving than anyone!" She yells out and stomps away.

I gently stroke a piece of my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I don't understand why she did that. Maggie, Beth, and I all go to wash the clothes, a gloomy mood hangs over us. Rick asked me how it happened so I explained, he thanked me and gave me a big, tight, hug.

I was so confused and upset that I couldn't sleep. Rick had been remembering his wife and walked out to get fresh air when he saw me. My hair shining in the moonlight, my (s/c) gleaming and my eyes closed.

He cautiously approached me and asked,

"What's wrong, (y/n)?"

"I'm just so confused and I don't know why my sister said any of that and I wonder why I'm even alive right now. Because my mom died to save me? Because this world is cruel and wants me to experience this hell? I just don't know, Rick, I just don't know.." I broke down trying to hold back my sons and tears.

He gently put his arm around my shaking figure and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Don't worry about any of that, (y/n). You're alive, that's what matters. So many people care about you and love you." He said reassuringly.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and cried into ricks shoulder as he embraced me in a hug. I fell asleep with quiet sniffles and whimpers. Rick still keeping his arms around me whispered,

"Don't worry, (y/n). You're safe with me."

Omg I updated. School is almost here. *SCREAM* enjoy summer while its here. I miss my bae

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