Legend of the Sgàirn Dubhan

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                            Inverness, Scotland - The Present Day

Black lettering flawlessly painted on the frosted glass read:

Black lettering flawlessly painted on the frosted glass read:

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"This must be the right place." I decided and then knocked on the heavy-looking, ancient oak wood-framed glass door.

"Come in!" invited a warm sounding reply accompanied by that noticeable and distinct highland accent.

I opened the door slowly and hesitantly stepped into an office that looked and smelled more like a small library. Book-filled shelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling except where the chalkboards and windows were.

"Professor Macdonald?" querying the gentleman seated behind a large wooden desk.

"Aye." confirming after he looked up at me.

"I'm Malcolm MacLeod. I called you earlier."

"Ah yes... from overseas... and what brings you to this corner of the world at this particular time of year?" greeting in a friendly welcoming manner as he stood from his desk.

Doctor Macdonald wasn't anything like the person I'd envisioned and expected to meet. He was much younger and seemingly more affable, definitely not befitting that older, stuffy, formal university professor stereotype. True to my expectations though, he was outfitted in a conservative brown Harris Tweed three-piece suit and wore gold-coloured wire-rimmed glasses.

 True to my expectations though, he was outfitted in a  conservative brown Harris Tweed three-piece suit and wore gold-coloured wire-rimmed  glasses

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"Definitely not this weather." making reference to the almost constant rain and seemingly inescapable wet I'd experienced since arriving in Scotland.

"Are you researching clan or family ancestry?" getting right to the point rather than discuss the weather.

"No, nothing like that. I'm hoping to solve an old family mystery."

Returning to his seat and gesturing toward the empty chair in front of his desk, "Here! Sit down mon."

Before taking my seat I removed my damp coat, placed it over the back of the chair and wondered how many students must have been directed to sit here over the years.

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