Chapter 16 : Don't call me that

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Aunt Janet left the room,and climbed into my bed and cried to sleep.

I dreamed about the time Amber had taken me to a festival in the park (picture). We had to sneak out of the orphanage. We had such a good time. Then the dream turned into a nightmare because I remembered what happened at the Grammys. I woke up sonic screaming, again. Daddy was trying to get into my room but I had lock the door. I told him I was fine and that he should go back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs. Daddy was sitting talking with that Debbie chick. I really didn't want to go down there, but I was so hungry. I sat on the opposite side of daddy and Debbie. "Good morning princess." Was this Debbie girl really trying to talk to me? "Don't call me that, you know what don't even talk to me." I said. "Isabella Jackson stop being rude." Daddy said to me. I finished eating and said " You not my dad and she is not my mom." I was walking toward the front door when I stopped and said " Oh and Debbie is pregnant."

I walked out of the door and onto the streets with Michael's bodyguards chasing after me. I'm not calling him daddy anymore. The bodyguards through me over their shoulder and brought me back to the house. I made an invisible shield around my self using the power that was once my sister's. Michael wanted to hold my and but the shield prevented him. I could see the hurt in his eyes and it felt like I just gotten slapped across the face. Knowing that you just hurt one of the sweetest people on the planet hurts.....a lot.

I put down the force field and took Michael's hand, we walked over to the couch and he sat he on his lap. "Baby girl I know its hard for you with everything that has happened in the past 9 months. But you have to understand that the past is the past and that life will go on."

"Michael you don't know how it feels to loose someone, especially when that someone is your twin. It feels like I lost apart of me." I was crying now." And then you bring a lady I don't know to my party and kiss her. I thought you loved Amber?" Daddy was hugging her and whispering in my ear " I do love her Is, I do."

I had cried my self to sleep still in daddy's arms. He put me in my bed and said good night.

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