Chapter 7

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"Oliver Queen?! As in..." I stuttered. Eventually I just settled for a hand gesture that vaguely resembled a boat capsizing.

"Yeah, that one. And this is Felicity Smoak." Oliver gestured to a blonde woman wearing glasses.

Felicity smiled at me. "Charlie, you're really you! I mean, of course you're you, who else would you be? You've probably been you for quite some time now. Barry told me all about you. Well, not all because we met before the lightning and all that...I'm just glad you're ok."

"Umm...thanks?" I say slightly scared. Sliding slowly away from the bubbly blonde.

Felicity saw my movement and blushed. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to babble at you. Sometimes I think my mouth wants to go solo."

I just laughed. "It's ok. Barry's probably around somewhere if you want to speak to him, I'll help you look." I began to get up, but Joe put his arm in the way.

"No way. You aren't going anywhere until we know why you fainted." I knew better than to argue with him when he did that face. "Caitlin and Dr Wells will have the results from your tests in a few minutes, and Cisco and Barry are fighting a meta called – if I remember correctly – some guy with the ability to make people go into a fit of rage"

"Oh super rageaholic" I say grinning.

"Really, Barry called him the same thing!" Oliver said looking at me with a slight smile.

And like if it was practiced both entered. "Ok." Caitlin entered and started reading aloud from her tablet. "We know why you passed out. The lightning gave you increased cellular regeneration and from that increased metabolism like Barry but yours seems to be taking a different toll on you by making you sleep, but it's definitely stronger. This may be due to that fact you're younger and smaller o you need more energy the Barry. So, you need to eat more for your body to be able to keep up with your speed."

I frowned. "So I need to eat how much exactly?" I quickly did the calculations, using one of my favorite foods. Wow thats alot.

"About the equivalent to-"

Dr Wells rolled in, "-850 tacos," he and I said, as I had just finished the calculation in my head.

"Yes according to Cisco." Dr. Wells finished.

My eyes widened. "I was right? Yes!" He nodded smiling gently at me.

"For Mexican I recommend Tito's," said Joe. "Best burrito in the city."

Dr Wells turned his wheelchair to face Oliver. "Nice to meet you, Mr Queen. I'm Harrison Wells. What brings you to Central City?" They shook hands.

"Felicity wanted to check up on Barry and Charlie after the lightning, and I was wondering if you guys would be able to help me with some strange sightings in Starling City."

"Of course," said Caitlin.

Oliver pulled up a photo on his phone and handed it to Dr Wells. "There's this guy who seems to be able to move metal objects. The picture's a bit blurry but I was hoping you'd be able to glean some information from it. Felicity tells me you guys are the best in the business when it comes to science."

Or you're stuck when it comes to this as we have superspeed and you have a bow and arrow. Yeah thats right, I know all about what Oliver Queen does in his spare time. I mean he disappears for 5 years and when he reapers so does the man in the Green Hood, it's not exactly rocket science on who he is.

"I'll see what we can do. Meanwhile, I have a strong feeling you, Detective West and Miss Allen may want to get something to eat."


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