Chapter 11

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Charlie's POV

Barry and I watched as Dr Wells rolled into the Cortex. "I assume you were all listening." Nobody moved. I couldn't even look him in the eye. Hartley's asked words echoing in my mind.

"I almost forgot I told your pet's I know your deep, dark secret, Harrison. Have fun letting them in on that one. Especially the girl, we all know how much you care for that one. Shame to see that fall once she knew of the truth"

"Well, Hartley was telling the truth. I have not been honest with you. With any of you."

I felt my stomach plummet. I tried to calm myself down, but I could tell my hands were shaking, so I clasped them together.

Dr Wells was silent for a few seconds, trying to find the right words. Eventually, he decided to get it over with. "The accelerator. Hartley warned me that there was indeed a chance that the accelerator could explode. His data did not show just that there was a risk, but it was a real risk. And yet I made the decision that the reward that everything we could learn and everything we could achieve, that all of that simply outweighed that risk. I'm sorry."

Caitlin stood up, eyes shining with tears. When she spoke, her voice was as cold as ice. "Then the next time you choose to put our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, at risk, I'll expect a heads up."

She left quickly, followed by Cisco.

I walked up to Dr Wells, and he flinched. But rather than hurting him, I hugged him. "It must have been difficult, keeping that in this whole time." I let go. Then I looked at him in anger. "So why did you do it?" Barry pulled me back, but I looked Dr Wells in the eye. "After the explosion, when everyone else left you, but still Caitlin and Cisco stood by you. You owe them more than an apology. You broke their trust. Our trust." I said as Barry made his way over to the exit.

Barry left, not to far behind, was myself, who gave Dr Wells one last disappointed look.

He looked at me with guilt as he levelled my stare. I turned and walked away leaving him on his own.

Third Person's POV

Cisco was sat frowning at Hartley's sonic devices when Caitlin and Charlie came in, the younger girl looking like she hadn't slept. Cisco opened his mouth to ask where Dr Wells was but thought better of it when he saw Charlie's facial expression. Knowing the reason behind her lack of sleep. Already knowing the way she acted without sleep he stayed away from the topic.

"Hartley was using sonic resonance. The intensity regulator's measuring decibels. But you know what's weird? He had it set to the lowest setting.

"So he had it on the lower setting, so what!?"asked Charlie in a sassy tone, pushing her hair, which looked as though it hadn't seen a brush in decades, out of her face.

Cisco decided to let it slide. "What I'm saying is he could've completely destroyed his father's building if he wanted to in one blast."

Caitlin frowned and took a closer look at the gloves. "So, why not just do it and leave? I mean, why stick around and run the risk of getting caught?"

Realisation dawned on Cisco and he looked up. "Unless he wanted to be caught." He stood up so quickly he knocked over his chair and raced to the Cortex, slamming down the button to make an announcement over the tannoy just as an alarm began blaring."Dr Wells! There's been a pipeline breach!" he shouted. "Stay here," Cisco instructed the two girls. Charlie frowned looking after her friend, not having a good feeling.


"Hartley," gasped Dr Wells. Without pausing to think he activated his speed and raced towards the reactor chamber. But he didn't get very far before his speed cut out and his legs gave way under him. "Not now," he groaned, cursing himself.

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