Chapter Eleven

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Sitting in her work cubicle, Beca tried to figure out what she was going to do. She and Jesse are over and she and Chloe...well, she isn't quite sure of what they are. But, she definitely would like more of last night's events. "Damn it. What am I going to do?" She mumbled, raking her hands vigorously through her hair. She had been sucked so deep into her thoughts that she didn't hear her phone ringing until an annoyed looking coworker informed her. Without so much as looking at the caller ID, she picked it up and answered it, "Hello?"

"You're pregnant?" The question mixed with sound of the familiar voice gave her the jolt she needed to snap back to reality. "Emily. What did I tell you about calling me?" She went to hang up but stopped when Emily spoke again, "I found the pregnancy test, Beca."

"What are you even talking about, Emily?"

"Don't play dumb."

"I'm not, I don't know what you're talking about." Beca denied, but Emily wouldn't give up. "I went to the bathroom after you and found it. Don't say its Stacie, we all know she has a special brand, not the generic ones."

"If you tell anyone, Emily, especially Jesse..."

"What? You'll kick me out of the Bellas?" She cut Beca off with a smart ass tone, "I won't say a word, but of course, you'll owe me."

"Really? You're blackmailing me?" That eerie laugh was emitted from Beca once again. "Why not? We're not friends anymore, right? So, you have a choice, Beca. Either reinstate my Bella membership, or I will tell everyone about your unexpected surprise. And I'll start with your dad." With that, the call went dead. "Why is this happening to me?" Beca whined, "Why can't something good ever happen to me?" As if on cue, Beca's phone chimed again. Being sure to check the ID this time, she smiled bright at the sight of Chloe's name. She opened the text and read it to herself, "To brighten up your day a little." Curiously, she clicked the download button and waited for the image to come through.

"Oh my God!" She yelled and dropped her phone in shock. He face grew red with embarrassment when she felt all eyes on her, "Um, huge spider. Sorry, ignore me, please." She sighed in relief when the eyes left her and she retrieved her phone from beneath the desk. She smiled and studied it for a few long minutes before clicking the text box to reply, "Tonight I wanna reunite you with dildo name." After adding a few emojis to the end, she clicked the send button and waited for the reply. "It's been a while since he's been inside. You'll have to give him a nice, long tour. 😉"

"Don't worry, I'll show him the deepest depths."

Beca laid lazily on her stomach, her body completely exposed to the ginger who had just ravaged it twice in the hours she's been home. She smiled as she felt soft lips trail from her waistline and up her spine until they reached her shoulder blade. There, they became focused on the floral art, kissing it gently as fingers traced the outline of the ink. "Does this tattoo have a meaning?" Chloe asked softly. "It's a memory of a very good friend from my younger days."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Filled with curiosity, Chloe slid onto the bed next to the brunette. "It's okay if you don't want to, but can I ask what happened?" Opening her eyes, Beca peered up at the older girl. She laid quietly for a minute, when she spoke, her voice was fragile. "He, um, well he was a victim of domestic abuse. Hate crime, too, in my opinion."

"Was us?"

"You mean did he like the same sex?" Chloe nodded her response, "Yes. Josh was actually starting a relationship with another guy from school. His father hated it."

"What about his mom?" Beca sighed as she recollected the memories of her best friend that tried to lock away, "She left Josh's dad for a woman."

"Oh. Ohhhhhh..." Chloe dragged the word out as she put two and two together. "Yeah. He was pretty pissed, and that started his hatred for homosexuality. He wouldn't allow Josh to see his mom, he disowned his own brother, he didn't allow Josh to be friends with me anymore, and he treated us as if we had a virus. I guess one day Josh had called his mom while his dad was at work to talk to her about his sexuality. His dad had come home early and he was going to surprise him with his favorite pizza. Josh had been using the landline and when his dad picked it up, he could hear the conversation. At first he was just grounded and tried to change his sexual preferences. Josh pretended it worked so he could go out and meet his boyfriend behind his dad's back, but one day they were caught. They were in Josh's room and he had his boyfriend bent over his desk, their pants around their ankles, and he was balls deep. After that day, Josh was homeschooled and I never saw him again other than the occasional times he'd stop by the school for assignments. I could see the marks and sometimes, when I'd pass his house on my way home from school, I could hear screaming. " She paused and dried her eyes, "I never thought to tell anyone, then before I knew it, his dad was being dragged out in hand cuffs and Josh was in a body bag. His mom had looked for him when he stopped texting her. That was the worst funeral I had ever attended. His mom and boyfriend were hysterical and that was the last day I had shed a real, heartbroken tear."

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