Chapter Thirteen

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Pregnant picture of Anna attached for imagery purposes.

She watched as Chloe's long body emerged from the water, the muscle rippling in her arms as she lifted herself onto the concrete next to the pool. She moved slowly, almost as if in slow motion, sending Beca's mind into a daze with its utter perfection. Chloe's head turned just enough to see the tiny brunette that was staring at her. With a smirk, the ginger began to slowly tug at the strings of her bright pink bikini top that would only ever look good on her in Beca's eyes. The eyes that were watching her intently, waiting for those perfect, pink nubs to become visible to her prying eyes. Her eyes followed as the bright cloth fell to the sandy surface of the beach shore. When the anxious eyes moved back up terror struck her as the changed venue met her eyes.

The once beautifully blue ocean had been transformed into a dully gray hospital. The black bikini that wrapped around her lady parts was now a white open gown resting over her nudity. And where the angelic ginger had rested just seconds before, giving Beca the strip tease of her life now held a baby carriage. "What-where am I?" She asked. No answer met her ears and she began to get frantic, trying to figure out where the hell she was. "Mama." The word made her stop struggling immediately and she quickly looked toward the baby carriage where the sound had came from. The baby slowly raised itself from the carriage, looking mutilated and disgusting. "Mama," An earsplitting scream elicited from within her lungs and she scrambled out of the bed, bumping into something and screaming more. "Chloe, thank God. We have to get out of here."

"Why did you do this to me?" Chloe asked, "Chlo, what are you talking about? I didn't-" her words dropped when she looked up at the girl. She stumbled backward as her girlfriend walked toward her. "Chloe, what happened to you?" She asked as she examined the equally mutilated body of her lover. "What are you talking about, Beca? Don't you remember? You did this."

"What? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Why would you let him do this to us, Beca? Why wouldn't you stand up to him? Am I not worth it? Was she not worth it?" Chloe pointed to the baby who had quickly grown into an adolescent girl. "Mom, why did daddy hurt us? Does he not love me?"

"Daddy? Jesse did this?" Beca tripped on her own feet and crashed to the ground, her yes meeting a shiny surface that reflected her face, showing worse mutilation and decomposition than the other two. The sight of her own bones and melted skin made her scream loud.

"Beca! Beca, wake up!" Her surroundings were quickly ripped away and replaced with Chloe's room. She was drenched in sweat and the lack of breath proved she had been struggling in her sleep. "Beca," A hand touched her shoulder, causing her to jump no matter how soft it was. "Baby, it's just me. Calm down."

"Chloe?" She questioned, touching her perfectly sculpted face. "Your face, it's still perfect."

"Well, I wouldn't say perfect. Yours is the perfect one." She grabbed Chloe's phone quickly and used the camera to check out her own face, "Oh thank God. My skin is still in tact," She looks down, "And the baby is still in there."

"What are you talking about? Damn, that must have been some nightmare."


"Yeah. I got up to use the bathroom and you were sleeping like an angel, but when I got back you were going crazy and mumbling something Jesse and the baby and us. Beca, you need to tell him."

"I know, I just don't know how. How am I supposed to tell the man who broke my heart all of those months ago that I am having his baby?"

"I don't think you'll have to do a lot of talking." Chloe said softly and gently laid her hands on her growing stomach. "Yeah, I guess. But he's about to leave to be closer to his father. I can't just spring this on him, what is he going to say?"

"I don't know, Beca. But, you have to tell him. Even though he hurt you, he is still the father and he deserves to know that he is." She exhaled a long sigh, "Yeah, you're right. Will you go with me?"

"Are you sure? You haven't told him about us yet, unlike him you have a heart."

"He has to find out eventually. I think I've waited long enough, I mean, I only have a few months left. Plus, his parents are going to get the wedding invitation soon."

"Exactly, he should find out from you, not them." She gently brushes the beautiful brown locks back and kisses her forehead, "You got this, baby. And yes, I'll go with you." Beca smiled and snuggled into her fiance. "This is going to be a hell of a day."

Sitting at the table of a local diner, Beca clung to Chloe's hand under the table. She was clearly nervous and just wanted to end this. When Jesse finally entered the building, Chloe flagged him down, the sight of her with Beca quenching all of his hopes of getting back together. Sucking it up, he made his way over and took a seat across from the two women. "What did you call me here for? I only have a few minutes, I need to catch my flight."

"Right, I know, I just had to tell you something very important before you left." Beca's voice was shaking as she spoke. Jesse gave her the hand motion to speed this up and instead of speaking the words, she just stood up. "You called me here to tell me that you've gained weight? I'm sorry if you resorted to eating your feelings after what happened, but I don't see how that concerns me. You wanna be a fatty that's your problem, not mine."

"She's pregnant you asshole." Chloe snapped at him, "Seven months to be exact, and with your child." His heart dropped, "Is this serious? Are you really pregnant?" he asked her, getting a nod in return. "Why didn't you tell me before now? I would have canceled my plans to leave town, what am I supposed to do now?"

"I don't know, Jesse. I was afraid of what you might say or do, and I didn't want to make you change your plans. You should be with your father."

"I should be with my child, Beca. My dad will understand."

"You're not obliged to stay, Jesse. we'll be fine. I've got a good job, and after the wedding we're gonna find a house for the three of us."

"Wedding? You're getting married? To her?" Another nod answered his question. "But the baby needs a father, not two moms. No offense, I support gay rights and all, but they need a father to teach them things a mom can't."

"She has a grandfather for that. You don't have to worry about her, I just wanted to tell you. If you want, you can always come visit her."

"Or I can take you to court, get your rights revoked and take my baby with me once she's born." She stopped talking, shocked by his sudden change in attitude, "Jesse, no. Please, you can't do that to me."

"Why not? You were going to take her from me. Hell, you didn't even tell me about her until the last second. The court might find that a little suspicious, don't you think?"

"You're such an asshole, Swanson." Chloe spoke up, quickly taking over for her emotionally unstable fiancé, pulling her into her arms. "You can leave now." With an evil glare, he rose from the chair. "I gotta catch my flight, but I'll see you girls in court, unless of course, you change your mind." With that, he tossed a few dollar bills on the table for the drink he had but didn't touch then left. "Chloe, can he really take my baby from me?"

"No, I'm not gonna let him. Don't worry, baby." Chloe gave the scared girl a reassuring kiss, "Let's go home. We have some wedding plans to finish up."

Kind of crappy and a sudden change, but hey, I'm trying. Hope it wasn't too awful and I'm still working this stuff out in my head. It changes when I go to write it, so I have to just make it up as I go. Hope you liked!

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