Chapter Twenty-One

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I'm going to go ahead rate this chapter with an M. But enjoy!

A soft humming pulled Beca from her slumber as the morning sun poured into the unfamiliar room, warming the equally unfamiliar bed she currently rested in. Though her mind was groggy from her sudden departure of her dream, she immediately recognized the hum that made her feel as though she was still deep in that dreamland. Her tired eyes slowly pulled apart and were immediately awakened by the beautiful sight before her for there sat a dripping wet, naked, only covered with a towel Chloe. She was perched at her desk, peering into the large mirror attached to it and humming as she brushed out her damp, fiery locks. She caught sight as that beautiful half smile crossed Chloe's face and she knew she'd been caught staring. "Morning, sleepy head." Her voice was music to Beca's ears. Instead of speaking, Beca's response was nuzzling her face into the pillow and flashing a smile in Chloe's direction. A giggle escaped the ginger's body as she found this response to be extremely adorable.

In a swift motion, Chloe placed her hairbrush on the surface of the desk and stood from the chair. She carelessly walked across the room until she was an approximate foot away from when the tiny brunette laid. She smiled as she watched the beautiful baby blue orbs run down her body, just knowing that in the girl's mind the towel is being removed. Bringing that daydream to life, she let the towel slip from its constraints and puddle on the floor at her feet. A smile extended across Beca's face, nearly reaching each ear, and she lifted her hand to make the "come here" motion with her fingers, in which Chloe gladly followed.

After falling into the younger girl's arms, they engaged in a meaningful gaze before their lips met. The kiss was gentle at first, but when Beca's tongue slipped into Chloe's mouth and played with hers, things got very heated very fast. Beca's lips began to slowly touch every sensitive patch of skin as she made her way from lips to chest, following the path constructed by her alluringly prominent jaw line. Continuing down, she followed the path of small marks that went from red to a dark color as she had left them there during last night's rendezvous. A quiet gasp was audible when Beca's lips gently wrapped around Chloe's nipple and she began to suck and tug on it teasingly. Her teeth grazed over it, her tongue quickly following and taking the ping of pain away while also hardening the small nub.

Once both nipples were standing erect, she slowly moved down further, taking her time so that she can cherish every inch of the beautiful body she had dreamt about since the day she lost it. When she finally approached the bald pubic region, Chloe was already a squirming mess beneath her. "Damn it, Beca. You always drive me crazy right before you steal away from senses." Beca giggled against Chloe's core, the vibrations making it more unbearable for the vulnerable ginger who emitted a loud whimper. In an agonizingly slow motion, Beca ran her tongue through Chloe's soaking wet slit and twirled it around her extremely needy clit once she reached it. More whimpers were heard as Chloe's fingers tangled in Beca's dark locks and pulled her closer in a begging manner. Giving into the pleas, Beca buried her face into the crazy horny girl's core and sucked aggressively on her clit as her fingers plunged into her in a fast repetitive motion. The only noise that Beca could hear, aside from the sound of her mouth and fingers irritating the mess between the Chloe's legs, was Chloe's moans, squeals and pleas for it to never end. Once the ginger showed her normal signs of experiencing an orgasm, Beca answered her pleas for more.

Rising from the bed, she obtained the huge dildo that Chloe had stashed away and returned. "How'd you find that?" Chloe asked between pants, "I'm good." Beca replied nonchalantly. Once she was positioned between Chloe's legs once again, she ran the toy through the bodily fluids that Chloe was excreting to lubricate it. With showered kisses along her thighs, Chloe was turned into a moaning mess once again as the toy was shoved deep into her and moved in and out of her, first slowly but then vigorously.

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