Chapter Twenty-Five

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The trio stood in complete silence for a solid 5 minutes, never once moving. Chloe stared at the floor, unable to bring herself to look at the couple. If she didn't already feel like the shittiest person ever, she sure as hell does now. 

"So," Beca was the one to break the silence, "thank you for stopping by, Chloe. I'll get the newest recording ready for production." 

Chloe finally pulled herself to look at the brunette. It took her a moment to send the message for her head to move, nodding. 

"Cut the crap, girls." Jesse's statement startled them, causing their heads to snap toward him. "Do you honestly think I'm that thick? I know this was a business call. And I know she's been here all weekend."


"Don't even try it, Beca. I'm more observant than you like to admit to people." 

Beca was silenced by her husband's rather astonishing recognition. 

"I'm sorry, Jesse." Chloe finally spoke. "I didn't enjoy myself. " 

Jesse snorted, "Please. Of course you enjoyed yourself. I've slept with her, I know how skilled she is." Both girls nodded in agreeance, unable to deny that fact. "She's a crazy bitch. Crazy bitches always fuck better." 

"Don't call her that." Chloe doesn't even realize she's speaking until after she's said it, earning a glare from the man.

"Don't call her that? She's cheating on me with a woman."

"Don't act so fucking innocent, Jesse." Beca snapped back. 

"Why? I am innocent. I'm slaving away to make money to provide for you, and you're off fucking your ex girlfriend in OUR bed." 

"You mean like you fucked Emily in the Bella house?"

"Oh my God, that was years ago. Move on, Beca." 

"Move on? I loved you, Jesse, and you betrayed me. I finally moved on and fell in love with someone else and you took that from me, too. I should have never left Chloe. She'd be a hell of a lot better to me and my little girl."

"OUR little girl." Jesse needlessly reminded Beca. "She's our little girl and I wasn't about to have a couple dykes raising her." 

Almost instantaneously after the words were expelled, Jesse's body was roughly pushed into the door frame, a pair of eerily strong, feminine arms pressing into his chest, keeping him pinned in the painful position. 

"Fuck, get off of me." He tried to free himself but with every attempt he felt the pain increase as the force on his chest increased. "This is assault." 

"Shut the fuck up." Chloe barked angrily, her face just inches from his. "I am sick of your fucking bullshit, Swanson. You may have Beca too frightened to assert dominance, but I've received too many scars to fear your empty words. I'm not afraid to beat the shit out of you." 

"You should be. I can ruin you." 

"You already have." Chloe rejected the threat, "You married my life, and you're ruining her. I've never seen her cower from anyone like she does you and it sickens me. You are a vile waste of human skin." 

"Okay, Chloe. I think he gets it, back up." Beca tried to break it up, mostly because she can't stand hearing Chloe talk about them like that. 

"You should be happy I married the dyke. She's a slut." Jesse's words were greeted by a forceful blow to the nose, blood dribbling out as the bone cracked. His body slumped slightly but was quickly lifted and slammed back into its earlier position. 

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that. She is an incredible person to love. It's a lot of work to get her to let you in, but that makes it all the better. You know her words are true, beating the alternative which is people like you who can say and do whatever they please without real love or regret." 

"Me? Beca is the one who doesn't feel real feelings. She put me through a lot of shit in school. She never loved me, she can't love. She's too broken." 

"She loved me. . .she loves me." Chloe's grip on Jesse loosened slightly and he slipped away from her. 

"The hell she does. The only person she loves is herself." 

"You're wrong. She does love others. Look at how she is with Anne." 

Jesse lets out a chuckle, "Are you that naive?" He asked. "No, she doesn't care about her either. She's a good mom to her because it makes her look good, and when she looks good, it's easier to get laid by whores like you." 

Chloe looked over at Beca, "Are you going to do something?" Beca glanced at Chloe then back to the ground, not saying a word. "You're just going to sit back and let him talk about us like that? Really?" Beca's continuous silence answered her question. "Jesus Christ, Beca. Man up!" Still, she received nothing from the brunette. "You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you both. I'm done." 


"Now you speak?!" Chloe snapped at the woman. "No! Just stop. I'm done, Beca. I'm done sneaking around and hiding my feelings. I'm done listening to this egotistical dick wad, and I'm done fighting for you. I'm sick of this being a one way road. I can't do all of the work. I'm leaving, I'm dropping the label, and don't you fucking dare come looking. I don't want to see you people ever again." She grabbed the remainder of her things and headed for the door. "Tell Anne that I'm sorry and I love her. She's the only one of you pathetic Swansons that I can honestly say that about." And with that, Chloe was gone. With a slam, the door latched shut behind the ginger, closing her off from Beca's life with a rough tug at the brunette's heart. 

"Good riddance." The silence that followed Chloe's departure was broken when Jesse spoke. "What's for dinner?" 

Beca looked at her husband with an appalled expression, "Fuck you, Jesse." She pushed passed him, returning from their room moments later and throwing a blanket and pillow at him. "Make your own dinner. I'm only cooking for Anne and me from now on." 

"What the hell, Beca?" 

"You ruined the one good thing in my life again. Why couldn't you just let me be happy? You don't really care about this relationship or me, so why couldn't you just let it go?" 

"Why should I?" 

"You owe me!" 

"Owe you? I don't owe you shit. If anything, you owe me. I saved you from living a sin." 

Beca stood quietly for a moment, "My mother told you, didn't she?" Jesse didn't respond, providing Beca with her answer. "That bitch." She mumbled and stormed back to her room. Just before stepping into it, she turned and looked at Jesse. "Living in this loveless marriage is a sin." She said then disappeared into the room.

Another chapter! I have really been enjoying myself with the writing lately, but I had to just jump to the good part. It was getting boring for me so I am sure it was getting boring for y'all, too.

I have an app that unblocks my school wifi, but since it is school wifi it is used by the entire building including the staff, students, and school computers/laptop/chrome books/iPads, so it is slow, but I am able to get the works from my other phone to the good phone via internet. I just have to patient, which is not me lol. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. More soon!

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