20. On My Mind

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News of Ava's pregnancy scrambled Greer's brain. How could her sister have been so careless? Before Sawyer left, she'd asked more questions. How far along? How did they meet in secret? Had Emma seen them together? That was what concerned her most. Even six-year-olds picked up on things.

Thankfully, she'd never met Sawyer. He and Ava had the perfect situation. He pretended to be a client. Even paid for sessions to keep Evan from getting suspicious, and Ava conveniently went to his house. Only four weeks along, plenty of time for the divorce before a baby bump appeared.

Greer thought about it so much, she couldn't remember what she'd done most of the day, but somehow cooked and cleaned before her guests arrived.

By the time Blake, Nova and Sophie showed up, anxiety clung to Greer like a winter coat. Finding out about Ava's unhappiness made her feel responsible. If she'd only stayed in touch. Called more. She wasn't stupid enough to think she could have saved the marriage, but she could have been a sounding board. If the situation affected her this much, how did Ava handle the problem with no one to confide in?

Just after six o'clock, her friends arrived and Greer had supper waiting. Just as she thought, Emma loved Sophie and spent the whole evening keeping the toddler busy. Maybe she'd been wrong about Emma's acceptance of a younger sibling even if they didn't share the same dad. She couldn't help but be thankful the child wouldn't be tested.

After getting Blake and the kids to bed, Greer and Nova stayed up until two a.m. talking. The main subject, Ava and the mess she'd gotten herself into. Greer was still trying to understand how her sensible sister took so many risks. Not just with her own future, but with Emma's. She'd avoided the subject of Jackson deciding the less she talked about him, the better.

Nova yawned, stretched. "I've got to call it a night—or I should say morning. I want to hear about this preacher man, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm beat."

"I'm not seeing him anymore. Declared myself cured. Instead of talking it out, I've learned to cook it out. Discovered frying can be therapeutic."

Nova laughed. "Well, the meal you prepared tonight shocked me. The responsibility of parenthood has changed you." Nova rose and stared down at her friend. "And after the way you've gushed over the phone about Jackson, I'm not sure you're completely cured."

"I never gushed."

"Oh yes, you did." She leaned over and kissed the top of Greer's head. "Speaking of babies. Blake wants another one."

"What do you want?"

"I agree. Besides, my clock is ticking, and Sophie is over a year old now, so if we want more, we should get busy."

Greer held up her hand, pressed her thumb and index finger almost together, and punctuated the air. "You and Blake give me a teeny-tiny-itty-bitty ray of hope for lasting love even though the odds are about a trillion to one."

Nova slid the band from her hair and fluffed out the strands. The dark curls made her chocolate eyes intensify. "I'm the poster child for it happening when you least expect it. After lying about everything, and keeping the pregnancy from him, it's a miracle it worked out. I love him so much sometimes I ache all over."

"Yeah, well, I like the new look he has going."

Nova laughed. "Me, too. He's given up haircuts and shaving until his vacation ends. Who knew I liked scruffy men? Nighty-night. See you in the morning."

Just as Greer drifted to sleep, Emma snuggled next to her. "What's wrong, baby?"

"Is it almost time for the dance?"

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