21. Keep Your Secrets

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Ian's sixteenth birthday was the last time Jackson's emotions burned the same way. For that occasion Mom and Dad presented his brother with a new Chevy truck. When Jackson reached that milestone, he'd gotten a five year-old Mazda from his paternal grandmother, and no matter how he aired it out, it had that distinct smell of old people and mothballs. Heat rose from the pit of his stomach to his throat, choking his breath. He had no claim to Greer and never would. He pushed the thought away, grabbed the flower box and opened the car door.

The guy looked at him and holstered the hammer, then strode down the steps to meet him half-way. He stuck out his hand. "You must be Emma's date. I'm Blake Eason."

Damn. Name sounded like a super hero or better yet, a thrill seeking adventurer. Jackson didn't like Greer providing the thrills. Not one damn bit. He switched the corsage to his other hand, slid his palm into Blake's, and nodded.

"Jackson Bellefonte."

"After the dance, we should go for a drink. I need a break from all the girls." He jerked his head toward the door.

"You mean Greer and Emma?"

"Yeah, and my wife and daughter. Outnumbered four to one. Can't watch sports because Emma wants the cartoon channel. Didn't bring my laptop because I promised myself no computer during vacation. Thirty hours into this trip and I'm already going stir crazy."

Jackson's chest relaxed. That was the best news he'd had all day. A cause for celebration. "Sounds good."

"I'll be ready." He grabbed the knob, pushed it and yelled. "Jackson's here!" Blake stepped aside and let him pass.

Emma came running, stopped short, twirled around, then smiled at her escort. "Do you like my dress?"

He knelt to face her. "It's beautiful. You'll be the prettiest girl there." He slid a purple curl through his fingers. "Your hair matches."

She giggled. "I know. I couldn't believe Aunt Greer let me do it." He opened the box and removed the wrist corsage, lavender roses, loops of pearls, and baby's breath. "This should finish the outfit."

She hugged his neck, then held up her hand. "Look, Aunt Greer. Jackson brought me flowers!"

"I see that. What do you say?"

"Oh, thank you. I love it."

Jackson stood and focused on Greer. "How are you?"

"Good. You?"

"Keeping busy."

"Me, too."

"I like your hair, too."

She twirled a lock around her finger. "Thanks. Emma and I went a little wild."

The stranger cleared her throat. "I hate to break up this reunion, but hi, I'm Nova Eason."

He shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jack...."

"Oh, I know who you are. I've heard all about you." She cut her eyes toward Greer, then back at him and smiled.

He wondered what Greer had told her friend. Maybe he could find out from his date. "Well, I guess we'd better go."

Greer grabbed her phone. "Not before we get a picture. Y'all stand by the fireplace."

Jackson took his position and Emma hopped onto the brick ledge, then leaned into him.

"Okay, smile." Click. "That was good, but we'd better take one more." She snapped again.

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