Chapter 9 - Secrets

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Austin's POV

This day had been really great. Nate told me to keep an eye out for suspicious actions on Rebelle but I can hardly see anything wrong or different. Except for the time when I asked her about Toby. She didn't respond back immediately. She took a while before replying. Maybe because she doesn't want to remember it or something else? That would make sense right?

I finally reached our place and it's 4:59. I still have a minute. I can climb up there less than thirty seconds. Nate came into my view as I got in. He's talking on his phone with his mom? I think?

"Bro." I said then he hang-up.

"He-hey." He said a bit surprised.

I went towards him and raised an eyebrow. "Bro, tell me that's not what I think it is." I said warning him.

He shook his head nervously. "No. It's not."

"Then why are you up here in our room all alone and not downstairs with Reg and the lads? I think that sums it up." I said and I can see him panic.

He sighed in defeat. "Okay fine. It is. I just called because we're gonna go home in a few days and I'm so excited that I need to tell."

"Bro be careful. Your actions are getting quite a lot obvious now. You're often going to our room alone and you're always on your phone." I said sternly. "Soon, you'll make a wrong move and do something wrong. I have warned you this almost a year ago and reminded you again three months ago. We're trying our hardest bro."

"I know and I know I am not gonna make the wrong action. Let's just, go down with them right now." He said and stood up. He grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

"Nate, we have a lot to talk about. This conversation is not yet over." I said sternly and he stopped on tracks.

"Maybe tomorrow bro?"

I sighed disappointed. "Fine. Once I go back tomorrow."

We went down to meet the lads. I'm really hoping none of them realise that I haven't gone down with them for almost one and a half hour. They are formed into a circle. Reg, Drew and Toby have guitars and Levi, Connor and Riley are holding drumsticks. Sweet. I think they're teaching each other seeing they are chatting while strumming and hitting.

Reg looked up and saw us. "Hi Aus! We thought you'd mope around all day in your room." She said and I sat beside her, Nate beside me.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We're teaching Reg some of our songs to play on the guitar." Drew said and I nod.

"Neat. What about the three over there?" I asked and pointed to the three lads holding drumsticks.

"Hitting things." Reg said then we laughed.

"Austin can I talk to you?" Toby spoke up and I nod. We stood up and went to the kitchen.

"I know you continued seeing Rebelle today though the lads know you didn't. Me and Reg had a small conversation about it once she went to join us down here. Only Nate, Reg and I know you've met with Rebelle. We kept it a secret for now. I also know that you've asked her to go out with you tomorrow." He said that made me feel a bit nervous.

"She told you?" I said then started to sweat.

"I actually knew what you'd do before I talked with her. I wanted to make sure my predictions were true. And they are. Austin, mate," He said then placed a hand on my shoulder. "You must not see her tomorrow. Tomorrow is the third day you're meeting her. I'm very much worried that she'll break you or worse than that because she knows we are with you guys." He said sounding very worried.

I don't know who to choose now. Everything is so confusing. What I feel is so different to what I think. My feelings for her is much too strong. I too am worried that because of my strong feelings for her, I might do something wrong.

"Please do what I say this time mate." He pleaded. "Believe me, she'll do that to you too. We are not letting you out of our sight tomorrow." He said then left me here.

I leaned on the wall and closed my eyes. If Nate is in the same situation I am right now, what will he do? I know he'll see Reg no matter what situation. Speaking of Nate, I have more problems with him than my lovelife. I believe he hasn't told Reg this yet. She's is gonna be so upset once she knows. Once we tell her. Drew and Levi also knows it. This is gonna be our biggest sin to her. As her best friend, I should've told her right from the start.

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