Chapter 21 - Party

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Austin's POV

"Austin?" I heard Reg's voice though it's barely a whisper.

"Austin? Are you awake now?"

"Austin please be up, I need you. I badly need to talk to you."

I opened my eyes and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the boys. They are still all asleep. I looked at my phone.

5:39 A.M.

It's so early and I barely get up at a time like this.

I looked at Reg who is sat up and smiling at me. "Thank god! I'm so glad you're awake!" She said and motioned me to sit beside her.

It took me a few seconds to get up and sat beside her. I also noticed she's holding on to Nate's hoodie.

She misses him.

"Is anything bothering you?" I asked and leaned my head against the wall.

She nod and sighed. "It's Nate." She said and looked at him who is still asleep.

"Oh? What about him?"

I'm guessing this has something to do with what I just witnessed last night and I am sure of it.


Reg's POV

"Good night!" I heard the boys say before drifting off to sleep.

Damn. It's been like ten minutes and I can't sleep at all. Sleep has no sign of hitting me.

How come I am not tired yet? Dang. I am forcing myself to sleep because I have to rest up and I'll be awaken by the nurse in an hour and a half to check on me.

I turned my back not facing the lads to change my position and maybe I can try and finally fall asleep.

Well, still nothing. Dang it.

Before I can get up from the bed, I can hear shuffling from behind me that made me still in my position. I think one of them is still awake too.

I felt someone place something over me. I smelled that familiar and one of my favourite perfume. Nate's perfume. Tears were building up in my eyes and I can feel it. I miss his scent. Actually, I miss him already.

Damn. Moving on is definitely one of the hardest thing to do.

I want to glance at him but I can't. He thinks I'm asleep and I want him to think that way.

"I want to spend one last time with you my love." I heard him mumble that sent chills on my spine. "I still have to tell you something before we completely end 'us'. We go home in two days and tomorrow is my last chance before we end 'us'."

What else does he have to say anyway? I think I've heard it all but there's one more?

"Sleep well Reg. I'll miss you so much." He said then I can hear him lay down with the lads.

I waited for a while before I sat up and looked at them. They're exhausted. I feel quite bad at myself for doing this. It scared the hell out of them. I sighed as I took Nate's hoodie that slipped of me when I sat up and smelled his scent. I love his perfume. I love his scent. I'll definitely miss this.

I laid back down on the bed while holding on to his hoodie.

"I'll miss you too, my love."


Austin's POV

I also told her that I was still awake at that time until Nate came and lay down beside me.

"I know what he feels. I feel like the both of us are in the same situation but mine is much more pain. I also want to see Rebelle today. And I am hoping I do though. It's okay if I don't get a chance to talk to her because I know she doesn't want to. I just want a last glimpse of her before going home tomorrow." I told Reg and she looked up at me as I rubbed her back.

"I know you also want to spend your last time with Nate before you two end this." I said and smiled reassuringly.

"I think you two should definitely make the most of the night later. I want you and him to spend in each other's arms for the last time because this is the last time I'll be seeing you and him always together."

She rested her head on my chest. "I'm gonna miss him a hell lot after this." She mumbled.

"This isn't even the last time we'll be seeing each other you know. It'll just be different the next time we meet because you and Nate aren't a thing anymore.

I hugged her to make her feel better. "Say, about the party, is it still on later?" She asked as she looked at me.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. And since we all leave tomorrow afternoon, we'll clean and pack everything up in the morning. We're probably the laziest people you know." I said and we laughed.

* * *

Reg has been discharged by 8AM and we stopped by several shops for stuff we need to for the party this evening.

We decorated and organized a party and we did not invite anyone else but us. Haha! We are really weird. It's one of the things I love about us. We're going to make the most of the night.

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