Chapter 12 - The Chase

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Toby's POV

It's nearly 3 in the afternoon and I'm now more worried about Austin. I'm afraid that he'll sneek out when we lose sight of him.

"Toby? Are you okay? You've been thinking deeply for a long time." Reg asked concerned.

I smiled reassuringly. "I'm okay. It's about Austin again. It's the third day and I'm so worried for him."

She laughed a little. "I know. I'm worried about him too. It'll be a little less pain since he knows the consequence and I'm sure he can take it. He's strong and he has a lot of faith. But......" She said then her smiled turned upside down. "He still believes he can change Rebelle. He told me last night that he can. I told him I know he can but I'm not so sure right now."

I nod. "I thought of the same thing too on the third day. I don't think he can change her too." I said then we both looked at Austin who is talking with Nate.

"We better not let him out of our sight. He might use the window and you know how much Nate supports him." She said and I nod. "They call it young love." She said and we both laughed a little.

"By the way, you're on phone for a while now, what's up with you and Blake?" I asked and she blushed.

"We're starting to become really good friends to be honest. He talks quite a lot too. And we have so much on common. He also has some school works to do so we said to continue our converse tomorrow."

"Are you sure it's not more than friends?" I said then laughed.

She looked at me surprised. "He's still 16 Toby. Besides, I can't have a boyfriend at this a-" She paused then looked at me surprised once again.

I chuckled. "I think he likes you too."

A few minutes passed by and Austin kept on pacing back and forth. I know he's thinking of a way to get pass us to see Rebelle since all of us are on our phones busy. I've been eyeing him for a while now in case he escapes.

He went towards the door and I followed him. "Where are you going Austin?" I asked and he jerked.

"I'm not gonna let you see her." I said sternly and grabbed the door knob.

He glared at me and I can see that his eyes have changed. This must be the work of his feelings for Rebelle. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Let go Toby." He said through gritted teeth.

I shook my head. "I'm not gonna let you Austin." I said coolly.

He clenched his fists and hit me several times that made me lose my grip on the door knob. I fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Toby!" I heard Reg's voice then went beside me.

"Austin what the hell did you do bro?!" Levi said surprised yet a bit mad at the same time.

They looked surprised and stood up. I looked at Austin. He glared at me again then quickly ran.

"We need to get him. His feelings for Rebelle made him like that." I said and the lads ran after Austin leaving me with Reg.

"Toby are you okay?" She asked.

I sat up and smiled weakly. "I'm fine. The punches he gave still hurts but I'm okay."

She shook her head. "You got several bruises on your face and black eye."

I chuckled then Riley came back. "He got away using the car. Where could be the possible place he's going to Toby?"

"I honestly don't know."

"He's meeting Rebelle at Starbucks then they're going to the canyon and he plans on coming back before midnight." Reg said and Riley nod.

"Let's go." I said and they stopped me.

"Hold your horses, we need to do something about the bruises on your face first." Reg said and Riley nod.

"She's right bro. Safety first."

We went down to meet the lads. I can see worry present on their faces. I knew something bad will happen and I can still feel it.

"We have to hurry and catch up to Austin." Levi said and we nod.

"Levi's right. He's gonna need us." Drew said and they scattered.

Reg applied some cold compress on my bruises for it to heal and lessen the swelling.

"Does it still hurt Toby?" She asked and examined my bruises.

I shook my head. "Not anymore. Thank you Reg." I said then smiled.

"My pleasure my friend. And thank goodness it's starting to heal. You need still need to keep the cold compress on your face until your bruises are okay. And, don't tell me I'm like a doctor or a nurse, I've heard of that line several times. We studied first aid that's why I know what to do." She said then we both laughed.

"I was about to say that."

"C'mon lads. We don't have much time. Austin had a head start." Connor said and we agreed.

"Are we still going to Starbucks?" Nate asked.

"No. We'll take long and they're only meeting there. We should go straight to the canyon." I said and we dashed out the door.

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