Ch-5 I'm Going!

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Alfred left in the middle of the night. He left a note saying that they would see him again soon he just had some business to attend to. He saddled up Sakia and said his goodbyes to Bluebell, Rookie and Soran. He also put in the note to not sell any of the horses and that he would eventually be back to take all three of them and give them new drafts. He mounted Sakia and left quickly to make sure he made it back to the castle in time. It still took him a day and a half to return and it was only then he remembered that it would be later that night that the coronation would be. He knew instantly that Arthur and Yao would be upon him in a second. He just sighs and carefully takes Sakia through a small creek crossing. The mare had backed away at first annoyed to have to go through a cold creek in the crisp morning air. The sun had only just started to rise.

"Don't worry Sakia. I'll dry you off straight away on the other side." Alfred promises and gently rubs Sakia's neck. Alfred moves Sakia forward again and this time the mare goes through the creek. It goes up to her shoulder and she moves quickly to get out before stopping on the other side as if waiting for Alfred to dry her down. Alfred dismounts quickly and pulls out an old shirt and he dries her down. He puts the shirt away and mounts her again.

"Alright let's get home." Alfred says and they take off again. He slows down in the few patches of forest. He lets Sakia take the rein and pick her own way carefully through bushes and over the fallen trees and roots. Eventually they break free from the tangle of forest and Alfred takes back most of the control. They race through a bunch of fields and jump a number of fences; much to the annoyance of farmers who were out in the field.

"Out of the way!" Alfred yells and three alphas jump away. Sakia quickly clears the fence before continuing on.

"Watch where you're riding!" The oldest yells back in annoyance. A number of guards that were out guarding their Lords' estates stared in amazement as the young boy came racing across in front of them. He jumped another fence but was quickly stopped by some guards.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" Alfred yells angrily and steers Sakia carefully to get around the guards that were in the way.

"You are on private property!" One guard yells and Alfred is yanked off Sakia. Sakia is quickly grabbed by the reins.

"I see you stole the Lord's horse too." Another guard says.

"Get your hands off of me! I'll have you know that-" Alfred stops himself from finishing that sentence. "Call for the Queen of Spades; he will retrieve me." Alfred says instead. Instead Alfred is dragged and placed in a dungeon. He sits on the cold hard floor as he waits for someone. A fancy looking woman appears.

"Who are you?" The alpha asks. She seems surprised to see the boy dressed in the clothes that looked fit for a King.

"By law I cannot tell you. I ask that you call for Queen Arthur. He will sort this out; he knows who I am." Alfred responds. The lady sighs but sees the serious look on Alfred's face and calls for a messenger to go to the castle and report this to the Queen. "I also expect my horse back." Alfred glares. The female alpha just walks off.

"My Gods! I leave for one week and you end up being locked in here. Do you know how much time you've wasted?" Arthur scolds Alfred. The Lord of the manor, who was a female alpha, was very nervous to realize that the Queen of Spades knew this alpha very well and seemed very angry with him.

"Hey blame her! I was going back to the castle when her guards stopped me and took Sakia!" Alfred defends himself. The door is unlocked and Arthur grabs Alfred's ear. "Ow, ow, ow... Let go!" Alfred pins Arthur to the wall. Arthur's cheek was pressed into the wall with his back turned to Alfred.

"A-Alfred." Arthur mutters quietly.

"Look calm down Artie; I tried to get home as soon as I could. The guards of this manor stopped me. Yes it was my fault for going onto private property, but how could I know seeing as there was no fence around the property?" Alfred says. The four guards that were there didn't know what to do. The same went for the female alpha. They'd never met anyone who turned Queen Arthur into a submissive omega wreck.

"A-alright." Arthur says quietly and Alfred steps back.

"Let's go. I want Sakia back to me right now." Alfred says and Arthur sighs before stepping back off the wall as well. They go back up into the front of the manor. Sakia was being held in place by a stable hand; there was also a carriage for Arthur. Arthur goes to walk towards the carriage but Alfred grabs Arthur's wrist and gestures towards Sakia. Arthur couldn't help the small smile that came to his face when he nodded. Alfred walks over and mounts Sakia before pulling Arthur up to sit in front of him side-ways.

"Goodbye Lord Ameera." Arthur says. Ameera quickly bows.

"Yeah, see you around." Alfred says before leaving. Arthur was amazed at the boy's riding skill; however he really shouldn't have doubted a farmer from Spades. Once they reached the castle Alfred took them to the stables and dismounted before helping down Arthur.

"Thank you for the ride back Alfred." Arthur says bashfully. Alfred grins and strokes Arthur's cheek.

"Don't worry about it Artie." Alfred says.

"I told you not to call me Artie." Arthur crosses his arms.

"Arthur!" King Francis appears and Alfred and Arthur take a step back. Alfred glared at the King of Diamonds; he'd interrupted his private time with Arthur. His gaze soon fell upon the omega servant with them. He looked a lot like Matthew. The boy glanced up and made eye contact with Alfred.

"Mattie?" Alfred asks.

"Alfie?" Matthew looks up in shock. The pair grins and hugs. Alfred was overjoyed to have seen his dear little brother. Arthur looked amused at the sight and realizes how alike they were. Alfred really hadn't been making it up when he said that Matthew looked like him.

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