Ch-12 Goodbye

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Alfred helped his brother down from the carriage. Matthew stayed close to Alfred's side. Francis watched in wonder as Arthur and Matthew hugged before clinging to Alfred's sides. Lilli stood beside Francis while Basch bought up the rear. The Diamonese Jack wouldn't be letting anyone near Lilli or Francis. Alfred got them to follow him. He called out for Lovino. Francis watched as Lovino appeared no Maria. It didn't surprise the Spadian Royals all that much seeing as they assumed Lovino wanted to keep Maria a secret for as long as he could. They entered a meeting hall and all took a seat. Alfred sat at the head of the table and he let out a sigh.

"For Lovino and Matthew's safety I believe we should send them away." Alfred says.

"Excuse me?" Francis asks.

"Let me explain. I've thought about this long and hard. I have decided to send them away to keep them safe. I have a friend who lives practically in the middle of nowhere and she can easily take care of both Matthew, Lovino and anyone extra. I think it would be a good idea because if Spades' castle gets invaded the two of them won't be harmed. Since my friend also lives in the middle of nowhere, any guards or that wouldn't really go searching the house." Alfred explains. Arthur nods his agreement.

"I think it's a good idea." Lilli says. Francis looks at the small girl in astonishment before also nodding.

"You said anyone extra as well. Would it be alright if Lilli stayed with them as well?" Francis asks.

"Why would you even ask that? Lilli stays with me!" Basch stands instantly. Lilli shakes her head.

"No big brother. I think I should go as well; I'm only 14 and newly crowned so I honestly won't be of much help to begin with. I think it would be better if I hid away; even if I do not like the idea." Lilli says.

"I'll go to the house." Lovino nods. Alfred nods back.

"Is it Isabel's house?" Matthew asks.

"Yes it is. Mattie you know she'll look after the three of you." Alfred responds. Matthew nods with a gentle smile on his face. Yao stands and everyone looks at him.

"It is decided then. Matthew, Lilli and Lovino are to stay at this Isabel's house. I recommend Lovino that you go sort your things out. We shall send the three of you off immediately. Oh and you should probably change clothes." The large group walks out of the room; excluding Alfred and Arthur. Alfred slides his chair back before allowing Arthur to settle in his lap. Arthur removes Alfred's glasses before pressing his forehead against Alfred's forehead. The two close their eyes and stay quiet as they listen to each other's breathing.

"I would have sent you off as well but our Kingdom needs you." Alfred mumbles quietly.

"I would have gone too but our Kingdom needs me." Arthur mumbles quietly back. The two go back to being silent before Arthur leans away. He stands up and turns around letting out a sigh. "We should get ready to send them off." Arthur says as he leaves. Alfred slouches over while in the chair. He lets out a shaky breath as he pushes himself to stand. He looks out one of the large glass windows in the room for a few seconds before leaving the room. He hurries to see his friends off. Lilli seemed very out of place in the plain tan coloured dress. Matthew looked normal once again. Lovino fit the clothes given to him well. Alfred wondered where Maria was.

"She's next to the driver; hidden." Arthur whispers into Alfred's ear. Alfred nods slowly as he looks at the bundle of blankets next to the driver of the cart. They wave as the group leaves the castle grounds.

"Now it's time to get to work." Yao says. The four Royals nod as they follow Yao back into the castle.

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