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"Please Teresa, it's important," Thomas stuck out his bottom lip at he grabbed at her cell phone that was being held out of his reach.

"Tell me why you want Minho's number and we'll see," she said as she stretched farther away from Thomas.

"Forget it, I'm going over to his house," Thomas grumbled as he grabbed his coat and keys.

"Thomas! Come on you just got here..." the door slammed cutting Teresa off. She huffed and crossed her arms and she stared at the now closed door.

What could he possibly want with Minho that she couldn't know about?


Thomas was shaking as he knocked on the apartment door. Thankfully Minho was the one who opened it.

"Thomas?" he looked confused.

"Is Newt here?"

Minho shook his head, "he's working for another couple hours. Why?"

"Can I come in? I have a major problem, you can't tell Teresa and you especially can't tell Newt."


Newt put on the fakest smile as he checked out another customer. He really wasn't in the mood to work today because his mixed thoughts and emotions were giving him a serious headache.

Once the store was empty Newt slammed his head down on the counter and let out a loud groan. How was he going to avoid touching Thomas forever? It was going to be near impossible to shut off the urges to hold Thomas' hand and wrap his arms around his waist. It almost seemed like Newt's crush got bigger by the day. Thomas was just perfect, he'd be stupid not to like him.

"Rough day I assume Newt?" a voice said which made Newt's head snap up so fast he winced at the pain in his neck.

"Got a lot on my mind Alby," Newt admitted as he massaged the strained muscle and looked at his friend.

"Store's empty, talk to me."


"Wait tell me one more time and slow down, please," Minho huffed as Thomas paced around the living room.

"Don't you get it Minho? I'm head over heels for your roommate!" Thomas sighed as he pulled at his hair.

"You like Newt?" Minho asked almost to excitedly.

"I like him so much," Thomas groaned, "he's so adorable and just everything about him!"

"Um question, why is this a bad thing?" Minho asked in confusion.

"He wont date anyone unless their his soulmate, he told me a few weeks ago."

"Simple then, touch him."

"No! I can't do that!" Thomas shook his head quickly as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

"Why not?" Minho frowned.

"Because if we're not soulmates I'm going to be thinking about him for the rest of my life!" Thomas finally stopped pacing and flopped down on the armchair.

Minho bit his lip, he couldn't tell Thomas about Newt's crush because that would totally breaking their roommate agreement.

"You need to talk to Newt. He's impossible to get through to sometimes but trust me he's worth the work and I swear if you hurt him Thomas I'll personally kill you."

"I'm not going to tell him about my crush."

"Yes you are," Minho crossed his arms, "either you do or I do it's your choice."

"Minho!" panic took over Thomas' face as he tried to decide if the boy was serious or not.

"I'm not kidding around here Thomas, I'm doing this for Newt's benefit. It's my job to protect him whether he likes it or not but I'm not letting him get hurt in this game of cat and mouse."

Thomas looked at his shoes and chewed on his lip.

"I wont hurt him Minho," he whispered.

"I know," Minho sighed, "I'm just overprotective when it comes to him, I hate admitting it but he's my best friend and the closest thing I have to family. Of course I love Teresa but it's different with Newt, we need each other in a brother type way and seeing him hurt crushes me."

"I'll talk to him, as soon as I can," Thomas gave Minho a small smile before getting up and heading towards the door.

"Thomas one last thing, you may be surprised by Newt's answer, don't always expect rejection."


"So go on a date with him!" Alby exclaimed happily as he gently shoved Newt's shoulder.

"It's not that simple Alby," Newt frowned.

"I get it soulmates is a big deal to you but what's life without a little fun? You're both hot and young so why not take advantage of it?"

"Because why waste my time?"

"Newt, if you wait your whole life for one person you're missing out. I'm in a relationship right now with someone who isn't my soulmate but you know what? I love her and I don't plan on breaking up with her because some magical colors aren't flying around my field of vision. What I'm trying to say is don't deny yourself some happiness because you're scared of what happens next."

"Thanks Alby," Newt smiled.

"Anytime, why don't you take the rest of the day off? I'll cover for you as long as you promise to talk to him."

"Deal," and with that Newt was out of the door in a heartbeat.


"Minho I got off work ear....Tommy?" Newt asked as he opened the door to his apartment and was met with the other boy standing in the frame.

"Oh...uh hey Newt," Thomas rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

"Newt! Perfect timing!" Minho was grinning ear to ear and Newt definitely could tell something was up.

Thomas groaned and played with the keys in his hand, "I was actually just leaving, I'll talk to you later."

"Actually Thomas you have some time, stay a while," Minho ran in front of them and pulled Newt in the room before slamming the door closed.

"Minho whatever this is just stop it alright? I'm not in the mood," Newt frowned.

"I'm not doing anything, I just think you and Thomas should get to hang out you know? It's good you have him so I can make sure he takes care of you while I'm at Teresa's."

"Why don't you just move in with her?" Thomas asked.

"I can't leave Newt with rent to pay all by himself plus I'd be having way to much se...actually forget it. I'll be in the lobby talking to Janson."

"Minho you hate Janson. You said his face looks like a rat," Newt pointed out but Minho was already gone.

"So what do we do now?"

"I think we should talk."

Hey guys! I don't have a lot to say so basically thanks for reading, vote and comment if you'd like! Ily all tysm for giving this story a chance.


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