Her and the Pevensies

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-Caspian's POV-

The woman did not reveal her name. I referred to her as "Your Majesty," though I didn't know why and she hated it. I called her 'her' most of the time, and she seemed okay with that.

Right now, we were sparring. She had her sword up, in hand, as did I. We went back and forth, the only sound heavy footsteps, laboured breathing, and the clashing of swords. She pushed against me again and we were chest to chest, except the blades of course, crossed between us. "You have skill," she said.

I smirked. "I try."

"For a prince, that is."

My smirk turned into a confused half smile. "You have other princes to compare me to?"

"Kings, but, yeah," she said nonchalantly.

My eyes went wide. "What kings?"

She stepped back, pushing and spinning her wrist so that my sword flew out of my hand. "Do not ask questions that you can't understand the answer to," she scolded me.

"Sorry," I mumbled. I'd come to realize she has a mysterious past that I didn't get and probably never would.

I picked up my sword and we were about to begin again when someone broke in suddenly, looking at Her with wide eyes. She put her blade tip down and handed the sword to me, giving the centaur-who had been the one to interrupt us-her full attention.

"Your majesty-"

She coughed, cutting him off.

He continued as if it was nothing new. "They are here."

"Who is here?" She asked, sounding tired as she sighed.

The centaur stared at her, eyes wide and mouth half opened, trying to speak but not being able to. Her eyebrows came together and she looked closely at the centaur. "No..." she whispered. She took off, and I handed the two swords to the centaur and went after her. I followed Her, running until we hit the entrance where she slowed down significantly to a walk.

"Where are they?" She demands.

"Your Majesty-" a minotaur began.

"ANNAMARIE!" A voice shouted. AnnaMarie? Who was-?

All thoughts cut off as the most beautiful girl entered and all I could do was stare.

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