Mercy in Battle

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I bit my lip as I watched, simply hoping nothing would happen to Peter. It continued on and I watched. When Peter got hurt I jumped and I felt Edmund's hand slip into mine. I forget that Peter is his brother too. Peter was like my brother, always on guard of me and protective of me, but Edmund WAS his brother. His blood brother. We squeezed each other's hands, using the contact as comfort.

At some point Peter had lost his helmet. He ended up on his back as he fought and all I saw was Miraz stomp on the inside of his shield, pushing Peter's hand back farther than it should be pushed by the wrist. I went stiff and Edmund's breath caught nervously. Everyone in our army shifted, worried about Peter. I followed his movements in my mind.

Roll, block. Roll, block. Roll, block. Push, roll. Miraz was tripped and they were both on the ground. Cheers came from behind us and I felt lighter, if only a little bit. Hope flowed all over, through my veins. I leaned forward a bit. Miraz and Peter stood up.

Just then Caspian and Susan rode up. I was confused, as Caspian had walked up with us. Then I realized that Lucy was missing. What happened?

There was an exchange between Peter and Miraz and then Peter turned, heading back to us. Edmund went forward, his hand dropping out of mine, and I fell back to Susan. Peter was limping and his face contorted every time his shoulder moved.

Caspian walked up just as Peter made his way to us. "Lucy?" Peter asked, eyes wide and worried. Alway worried for others...

"She got through," Susan explained breathlessly. "With a little help," she added, looking to Caspian for a second.

"Thanks," Peter told Caspian, looking to him seriously.

Caspian looked down fleetingly then back up. "Well you were busy." There was a moment that passed and then something in the air seemed to clear.

"Better get up there," Peter told Su. "Just in case." He motioned to where the archers stood. "I don't suppose the Telmarines will keep their word..."

Su paused then stepped forward, pulling her brother into a hug. Peter hissed and she leaned back. "Sorry."

"It's all right," Peter assured.

"Be careful," Susan added, looking up at her brother seriously.

"Keep smiling," Edmund added to Susan who then took toward the How to get into position. It was such a weirdly placed comment in such a serious situation. I gave a half hearted smile for Ed's benefit and he gave one back. We looked away and our smiles then dropped immediately.

Peter did smile though, widely, raising his sword towards his men. The crowd behind us shouted and I finally realized that Ed had meant for Peter to smile. He'd shown pain earlier, shooting a pang of worry through everyone's hearts. We needed high morale if this was going to work. Peter doing this lifted morale again and we were good. I looked at Edmund. "Brilliant, Ed," I told him. "I didn't even think of that." He shrugged. A moment passed as Peter let them celebrate coming this far for a second longer before he dropped his sword, sitting down so I could treat him. Ed did the talking. I did the nursing. It was how we'd always worked. Caspian took his sword and I moved to his side.

"I think it's dislocated," Peter told Edmund. Ed looked at me, then Peter's shoulder, then back at me, giving a distinct nod. I frowned, sighed, then nodded back. I moved my hands around Peter's arm and he looked at Ed. "You know with things back home..." I paused, not sure what was going to happen. "If we die here today..." his voice drifted off again. "You know, you've always been there and I've never really - OH!" I cut him off as I moved his shoulder, popping it back into place.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Not the time, Peter! Not the time to let his hope drop either. He needed to be optimistic right now. Plus Ed had looked at me purposefully, signalling me to do it right now. Edmund looked a little startled, like all his optimism had been sucked out of him. I understood. When Peter got like this, it was a sign things were taking a turn for the worst. And by the way Peter didn't look at me, I felt as if I'd accidentally took part in something that hadn't been meant for me.

"Save it for later," was all Edmund said before he began moving. Peter stood and Edmund handed his weapon as I moved to the side. Peter moved forward with purpose and Edmund moved to my side again. Like they always did, the crowd behind us roared to support Peter, encouraging him. It worked. Peter moved a bit more fluidly, his shoulders straightening. I couldn't help but notice that Miraz stood alone. Just just physically, as Peter did, but emotionally too. He didn't have people help him. When the one man did, he was violent about it. He hadn't won immediately so everyone was mad at him and they were obvious about it.

That's why we would win. We fought as one. We fought together. We helped each other and were like family. We pulled each other up and along and supported each other. Miraz's army didn't do that. It was to each his own in that army. That's why we'd win. I just knew it.

Miraz was offered his helmet but he pushed it away. Peter was helmetless. So would Miraz be. It was a sign of power and lack of fear but I scoffed. He was too proud for his own good. Peter probably would have done the same, though...

Then they walked in and began fighting again. I watched, already feeling the tension again. It seemed ever since the Pevensies had returned it was nothing but tension and struggle. Between Caspian and peter. Between Ed and me. Between Ed and Peter, if small. A hesitance that had surfaced earlier. Between Caspian and Susan. So much we to work out... So little time.

Peter lost his sword and my eyes went wide. Peter lost his shield and I held myself from running forward to help him. Peter barely blocked Miraz's hard, merciless attacks with his wrist guards and I jumped every time they came in contact with the sword. Then Peter suddenly leaned forward, bringing his fist down HARD on Miraz's leg. Miraz yelled in pain and stumbled back, holding his injury he'd gotten in the last battle. Yes! Miraz was down! Peter hesitated. Why was he hesitating?

"Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund called. Then I realized. Peter's eyes were trained on Miraz and the older man's lips moved. Was he calling for a respite? No! Peter don't you dare! Take the victory!
Peter looked at Edmund. Miraz's army shifted. Miraz held up a hand. Peter turned to walk back. Then, suddenly, Miraz stood, wielding his sword, ready to strike Peter from behind.

"PETER!" I screamed the same time Edmund screamed. "LOOK OUT!"

Peter turned just in time, dodging the first attack, catching the second, and pulling the blade out of Miraz's hands, spinning and planting Miraz's sword into him. I didn't see where. His stomach? His leg? Miraz gasped. Stumbling back, Miraz fell to his knees and his arms covered where Peter stabbed him.

His arm, in the chink in the armor.

Nice job, Peter.

Now he had to kill him. Peter paused again and everyone looked at him. He'd given Miraz his respite and Miraz had turned and attacked him. If he gave Miraz another chance it would look like fear. Miraz was using Peter's hesitance to his advantage. Peter was a King, but he was a good person. He was used to killing people up on a horse, in the heat of battle. He was not used to killing people slowly, looking them in the eye as their life drained away.

Thinking about how I was used to that and how Miraz was as well made me frown. I'd only killed a few people eye to eye in self defense. Telmarines, who had gotten too close to mybase, attacked my people, or attacked me.

Not many, but enough that I was calmer about it. Over the shock.

Peter was a better ruler than me.

He should have been, since he was High King, but it still stung. Of course, I wouldn't admit it though... But the realization still hit me. Very hard.

Return to Narnia (Edmund Pevensie) (FINISHED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum