Peter's Pride

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-AnnaMarie's POV-

I watched as they went. I glared at Peter as he walked by me and he looked down. "I just want to keep you safe," he mumbled.

"What happened to the faith? Aren't you going to take the castle and come back with everyone alive and well? Or have you realized the folly in that yet?" I demanded tersely.

"I'm leaving, Ann. Goodbye."

And then he was gone.

Susan came up to me. "I'm sorry. I know that Caspian kind of came in and took over as the 'rightful king of narnia' or whatever and then Peter came in and took over as 'high king...' It's not fair. You're opinion means something to him. He's just being..." She sighed, shaking her head.

"I don't care," I mumbled. "Be safe, sister." I pulled her in for a hug and she pulled back, nodding.

"Of course." Then she left too.

Caspian walked up to me. "I... I heard what Susan said. I'm... I didn't mean to take over. I'm not king. I..." he looked up at me, upset.

I pulled him in for a hug too. "I know. I hugged you. Shut up and hug me back." He did. "You are king, Caspian. The rightful king. I can see you on the throne, with a beautiful woman by your side and a bright future in front of you. You'll do great things, Caspian. You'll be king."

"What about Peter?" he asked.

I pursed my lips. "The Pevensies will not stay to rule this time around. They do not belong here and they understand that now. Aslan will bring them home after this war."

Caspian looked at me, saddened. "Susan?"

I looked up at him. "You like her, I could see that before now. But Susan... As I said, she does not belong in this world. She may return to it to aid it in bringing about peace and may be it's Queen of old... But this isn't the Old Narnia. This is New Narnia. New times call for new rulers, and that new ruler is you," I said, nodding.

He looked down then back at me. "Whatever you say, Ann."

"Be safe. I won't have your back in battle."

He smiled. "Okay." Then even he was gone.

I looked around and felt sorrow consume me. Who would come back? Who would die? As I looked around at all the women and children, I wondered who would be fatherless; who would be husbandless. Who, like me, would be left alone? I sighed and shook my head.

"Ann?" a familiar voice said. I turned my head to see Edmund.

"King Edmund," I greeted, bowing.

"Please, Ann..."

"Your Majesty, they're waiting for you. Be safe, return home."

"Ann," he said, looking at me seriously.

"Yes?" I asked innocently.

"When did you stop calling me Ed?" he asked me, his voice wavering.

"When I stopped waiting for you to come home okay," I answered back.

"You stopped waiting?"

"It's been 1300 years," I reminded him. "I thought you were dead. I was distraught, not knowing what happened to you. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD. But no, you just left me. Alone.And now, you're going off again, and I might lose you and-"

"So you still care?" he asked.

I scoffed. "Of course I don't. Susan and Lucy would be distraught. And they're my best friends."

Return to Narnia (Edmund Pevensie) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now