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-Third Person POV-

   AnnaMarie was indeed Her.

   She'd raced to see if it was true-if the wonder and awe in the centaur's eyes were what she thought they were. Of course, the centaur had never seen the Kings and Queens of old, but she'd described them plenty of times, and they could easily prove it.

   But when she saw them, it all flipped. They were kids again, if not older than when they'd first come to Narnia, they were younger then when they'd left. There was Susan, ever so gentle and that familiar kind smile on her face. Lucy, beaming and screaming her name. Peter, a wide smile on his face as he met one of his oldest friends. Edmund...

   She almost fell to her knees. Lucy ran to her, tackling her in an embrace. The young girl clung to her, and the weirdest thought occurred to AnnaMarie. Lucy was younger than her again. Shorter than her. Both girls remembered when Lucy had finally surpassed AnnaMarie's height. There had been a huge celebration...

   "L-Lucy?" AnnaMarie asked.

   "Yes! Oh, it's so good to be back! And you're here and-" the girl cut off, seeming to realize something. She looked back and so did AnnaMarie. Both girls looked to Edmund at the same time. His eyes were watery and wide, staring endlessly at AnnaMarie with an open mouth.

   AnnaMarie stared back, not sure what to do.

   It was wrong to see them again. After all this time, it felt like a sin. She was different than before. Colder, harder. She was not as soft and friendly as the AnnaMarie they knew. She'd solidified in the thought that she would never see any of them again a long time ago, and she couldn't bare to look at them now. But she couldn't have a melt down now. She cut off her emotions that threatened to consume her and turned a forced smile to Lucy.

   "It is good to see you, Your Majesty," she said pleasantly, pulling away and looking back to the troops behind her. "BEHOLD!" She yelled. "THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF OLD!"

   She turned and got on one knee, bowing her head deeply. Once she bowed, everyone did, shock wearing off as their ruler bowed to the person who ruled them. Peter and Susan looked around, feeling more comfortable now around other creatures and being important again.

   "Rise," Peter said. "Please."

   AnnaMarie did and so did everyone else. The girl then turned to Caspian. "Caspian, please. Come forth," she urged him. She saw he wipe his face of emotion, but she's also caught the awed stare at Queen Susan. Ooh... AnnaMarie smirked as Caspian came forth to speak, explaining his situation with his uncle and what was going on. After that all went over, they settled in. Edmund tried going to AnnaMarie, but she quickly made herself busy.

   He was confused, but Susan approached him. "Give her some time. Remember, Narnia time is different than our time. It's been a really, REALLY long time since she saw us."

   Edmund nodded. Of course, that made sense.

   As they get settled in, a faun approaches Caspian. The Pevensies have noticed that the Narnians have stopped listening to AnnaMarie and started listening to Caspian. She didn't mind and rather agreed with this decision, as she felt nothing like a Queen, but it still felt wrong to the Pevensies. AnnaMarie had protected them for 1300 years...

   Either way, the faun spoke to Caspian hurriedly and Peter joined them, listening intently. Immediately Peter calls a meeting and he explains the situation. There was a Telmarine guard seen scoping out the How. Peter believed that they were getting ready to attack.

   "It's only a matter of time!" Peter insisted.

   AnnaMarie sighed. "What do you want to do about it?" She sighed.

   Caspian and Peter stepped forward, both speaking loudly. They stopped and looked at each other for a long time. Caspian stepped back ever so slightly. Peter turned to the crowd. "We have to attack them before they attack us," he announced finally.

   "Are you suggesting that we try and take the castle?" AnnaMarie exclaimed, gawking.

   "Yes," Peter said matter-of-factly.

   "No one has ever taken that castle!" Caspian interjected, as surprised as I was.

   Peter smiled at him a little. "There's a first time for everything," he said.

   AnnaMarie stand. "Peter, I know you were king. High king. I get it. You've fought wars and taken lands and defeated the undefeatable. This isn't the Narnia you remember. They have catapults! Like, actual, real life, text book catapults! They fight differently. These Telmarines... They're not Narnians. They don't surrender immediately because you're High King Peter and everyone loves and adores you. They don't!" she stressed.

   Immediately everyone knew she'd crossed the line. Peter looked at her, glaring. "So you doubt I can do it?" he questioned her softly.

   "I- I didn't say-"

   "Because I would love to prove you wrong," Peter continued.

   AnnaMarie looked at the King she'd loved and adored. She looked at the boy she'd befriended. The man that always sought her counsel and listened to her words. That man was gone, changed. Morphed into a proud, pompous boy who was so busy being leader, he wasn't thinking clearly. "Do what you must, Peter," I said coldly. "But I will go with you."

   A centaur stepped forward. "I will as well. I will fight with you and protect you." He looked at AnnaMarie's sad eyes and no one knew if he was talking to the girl or Peter. "To the death," the centaur added, raising his sword.

   "That's what I'm worried about," Lucy said. Everyone looked to her. "You guys go about it as if there are only two options. Die here; Die there." She looked to Peter. "You promised you'd never doubt me again," she mumbled.

   Peter looked at her then shook his head. "I'm not doubting you Lucy. I am simply doing what I think is best."

   "Maybe we should.." I mumbled, looking to the carving in the wall of Aslan.

   Lucy nodded. "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?" she asked.

   Ouch. Peter looked hurt as everyone ganged up on him. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough.

   Yes, the Pevensies had seen Aslan earlier, but the thing was, he'd not been back. They'd come in to the How and he'd disappeared as usual, and Peter was back into doubt. So the lion guided them. To what? To war? Thanks, Aslan. The lion had thrown them back into the heat of things then left them to fight alone.

   Lucy and Susan shared a long look but they knew they wouldn't discourage Peter. "Okay," Susan spoke up. "What's your plan?" She asked Peter, looking to him.

   Peter looked to AnnaMarie. "First off, Ann's not coming."

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