Chapter 7

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Lifting her head from heras shoulder she thought she might burst with emotion. Love,happiness, excitement and confusion. But she was to busy to be confused the team were circled in amazement of how he could of recovered himself.... It was all an act as he new maul was watching.

Well everything but cuts from Kanan and Ahsoka.

"Ezra! Why and how did you do it?" Zeb laughed in shock.

"Well..." Began Ezra slightly discomforted with pain but still smiling " Maul had the ship wired and was watching us for days.... When I finally figured this out I took the cameras out when Ahsoka and Kanan went all robot on us. Then knowing maul wouldn't leave us alone until I joined the dark side ......or died I had to choose death. I made sure that I "killed myself" infront of the camera in the cock pit and to drive my lightsaber through the heaters fuel tank." He said kind of croakey.

"Oh Ezra" said Sabine as she ran to hug him. It hurt but he didn't care. He really loved her.

"Ezra if you wanted him to believe you were dying you would have had to show true pain through the force. How did you do it?" Questioned Kanan

"I thought about loosing all of you .... You guys mean a lot to me ...." He replied tears welling in his eyes.

Everyone smiled as they were pulled into a group hug. "Thank you for being my family " Ezra said great fully.


Later that evening as everyone began to prepare for bed Kanan came to the med-bay where Ezra sat reading his book.

"You didn't tell them..." Stated Kanan trailing off.

"Neither did you" replied Ezra closing the book.

"You must never use the force ever again or else he will find you and he will kill you." Kanan said sternly but sympathetically.

" that's a secret I want to keep...." Ezra replied disappointedly. "But what about your secret" he questioned

"That's a story for another day ...." Smiled Kanan as he bowed his head in great respect to Ezra.



Oh God guys! I'm so sorry for doing that to you! I just thought it needed another tragedy..... Anyway I eat drama and now so do all of you haha 😊

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Don't be the silent reader!!




Thanks again guys! And keep reading!!

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