Chapter 13

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Sabine stared at the camera speechless at the camera. Derek had captured Ahsoka.

"How in the Galaxy?" Questioned Sabine. It seemed impossible as Ahsoka was standing behind her just moments before.

"Zeb.... I hate to alarm you but he's got Ahsoka." Whispered Sabine over the coms. She watched the camera only to see the sheer look of horror on Zebs face.

"I'm on it" he replied in a deep growl.


Zeb galloped down the hallway unleashing his old beastly self. No one ever saw Zeb like this before. He fights like something is trying to escape from his soul.

As he sprung off of walls to push him self towards his target like a bullet he hit a button on the wall that opened the ships cargo hold door. He spotted Ezra with a lightsaber pointed at Derek and Mal hiding behind him. Then he saw Derek who had Ahsoka in a head lock with a blade to her neck. He jumped the railing that Kanan and Ezra often fell over , he launched himself at Derek and they tumbled out the still opening door. That is when the light of the moon took over them both.

Zen was angry, his cremated tried to help this boy and now he attacked his friends and the woman he loved. There was no way he'd let Derek get away with it. Zeb pounced at Derek pinning his shoulders to ground. They struggled leaving Derek on top punching zeb in Rthe face.

In the hustle of the commotion Ezra and mal began trying to separate the two when Mal was punched in the face. She was thrown backwards.

Zeb paused when a white glow shine through Dereks eyes. "Whaaaa??" Shouted zeb as he was flung through the air by what seemed to be the force.

"Zeb!" Screamed Ezra as Zen hit the side of the ship hitting his head. He fell to the ground.

Sabine, ahsoka and kanan ran out to help Zen ,ahsoka and Ezra but little did they know Ezra had it under control.

The whitelight disappeared from Dereks eyes and her scampered towards mal who lay unconscious on the ground. However he was stopped by Ezra who's eyes began glowing. But his eyes didn't glow white like the moon....his eyes were red....

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