I got tagged

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15 things about me....

1: I pride myself on my insanity, I'm not normal. What is normal anyway?🌪

2: I am lots of people. Be careful who you talk to , I have many different accounts and aliases, male and female, you may be talking to me about me.🌈

3: Lately my school has been more of a family to me then my own family , both teachers and students alike. I recently came out as bi and my parents are telling me I'm not allowed to be until I'm eighteen. I'm not allowed to be me until I'm eighteen. 😶

4: My new book 'Brothers and Bestfriends' is an adaptation of my real life, I had to change the names obviously but everything that happened in the book is riding on parts of last summer in my village and it was scary and great (mostly scary) haha go read it! 👥👤🗣

5: I have a stress disorder that makes me forget entire portions of my day after high stess suituations which is handy at time haha I'm looking at the positive side of it at the moment!
"Hey (my name) why didn't you clean your room!"

"Oops sorry mom I totally forgot!"

"Oh okay we'll do it quickly "🙋

6: My middle name is Mary-Elizabeth🌝🌚

7: I despise technology because I cannot use it , I would much rather be in a tree reading a book than on my phone📖🌳

8: I have a passion for climbing trees and broke my phone screen by falling out of one 😅

9:My favourite food is plane and simple raw carrots 🥕😁

10: I feel like laughing to the point where I'm sick when people who are from Ireland say "Top of the morning to ya!"


11: I wouldn't say that even if I were payed .... actually depends how much your offering....

12: I am really in love with acting, writing and poetry. In school I am a secret poet vandal!

13 : Ask Questions in the comments about me and I will answer in this slot!

14:Ask Questions in the comments about me and I will answer in this slot!

15:Ask Questions in the comments about me and I will answer in this slot!

Now it's my turn to tag you and you must say 15 things about yourself!!!


And there's fifteen people to go with it !
Special thanks to starloverrebel for tagging me!

Love always

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