Chapter 2- First Train Ride

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*I do not own Divergent

Chapter two – First Train Ride

Tobias' POV

As I got home from working in the control room, I heard Tris talking to someone. I turn the corner, to our room, to see if she was on the phone. She wasn't there.

I round the other corner down the hall to the Jenna's room, to find a very tired Tris sitting in a chair, with a very sleepy Jenna and sleepy Jake, on her lap, rocking back forth on the chair. As if she is rocking the kids and herself to sleep.

I look at the clock. It's 9:00 p.m. Past the kids' bedtime. Tris works two jobs; the tattoo shop and the clothing store. She has been like this for days. Just like her, always taking care of the kids and my needs before hers. Even telling a bedtime story late at night, before the fact that she should be relaxing after a long day.

I sat beside the bedroom door, just listening to the story that I've heard many times before. The one that we lived through, long before the kids came along. Not that it's a bad thing that they did. It's actually nice. We didn't have to worry about ourselves being bored half the time.

Now we have two other very important people to look out for. Even at their young age, I can't help but thing about what they will choose what to do with their lives when their older.

Tris' POV

"We make it to the trains, where I realize we have to jump on. I make it on with a bit of trouble, along with some others. I look back to see that a boy has fallen behind and missed the train. Not even an hour after he chose to leave his home faction for the dangerous life, he failed initiation.

I to the back of the cart and sit down. Soon I'm greeted by someone with dark hair and skin. "Mind if I join you?" she asks. I nod, "Sure." I said. We sit for a while before she says, "I'm Christina, by the way." She held out hand for me to shake. However, being from Abnegation, that sort of thing was frowned upon. But I awkwardly, but bravely shook it. "Beatrice." I said. When I said it though, it just didn't seem right. I wondered if I'd be able to make a nickname or something for myself. She just smiled and looked out of the cart to fast moving world before us…"

"Did you make a nickname mom?" Jake asked.

"What about that Christina. Is she like Aunt Christina down stairs mommy?" Jenna. Always asking questions, just like her brother.

"Yes and yes." I said, wanting to finish this almost never ending story that was my life. Smiling, "Now, are you going to let me finish my story?"

Both of them gave a look to each other, and smiled and stayed quiet. Listening and giving me their undivided attention.

"Where was I..." I looked at the clock. 9:00 p.m. It's past their bedtime. I wonder if Tobias is working late again tonight.

"You were at the part where you met Aunt Christina on the train" Jake said, all happy that he got to say it before Jenna, who made a small, short lasting little pouting face.

Continuing the story, "I had a funny feeling that we were going to be good friends, even if I just met her."

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