Chapter 14- Results and mishaps

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Authors note at bottom. I'm just going to let you read the chapter so I don't waste your time before you even start reading. Enjoy :)

*I do now own Divergent. It is, and always will be, Veronica Roth's

Chapter 14 - Results and mishaps

Tobias' POV

We arrive at the vet and I take Bear and sit on the benches in the waiting area and wait for Tris. She is so upset, I can see it in her eyes, and I hate it. She doesn't need this right now. I feel so bad that there isn't anything I can do to make Bear any better.

What feels like hours, later, we are called into the vet's office where they will take a look at Bear. Tris is the last to enter the room, so she shuts the doors, sits on the cold tile floor, and opens the carrier and starts petting Bear.

The vet somehow eases Bear out of the carrier onto the tile floor, and gently picks him up onto the table to examine him. He has that look on his face that tells me there's something wrong. I look at Tris, and I see that she has noticed his face as well.

He takes a sample of Bears blood, and tells us he'll be back in a little while. I just lean on the wall, and watch as Tris lays her head against Bears and cries against his soft brown fur. I don't like to think about what it will feel like without coming home to no dog jumping all over the place and practically knocking over onto the floor. I laugh a little as the memories of Bear jumping all over me come flooding back into my mind.

Tris looks up, still with tears in her eyes, and speaks so softly that I have to almost strain to hear what she says. "What are you laughing at?" She tries to hold in her tears, but it doesn't work.

"I'm laughing at the memories of Bear when he jumped on my and pushing me to floor as I came back to the apartment." She seems to smile at that, but it's a weak one. I motion for her to come next to me, but she refuses to leave Bears side. So I walk over to her and gently ease her off him so I'm the one she's holding tightly. It's a good thing I took her off Bear, because by judging how tightly she's holding me, she might have squished Bear.

"Tobias… wh- what are w- we going to tell the kids?" She says as she tries to pull herself back together. "I don't know. I'll think of something." I say quietly in her hair as I rub her back in a way that always calms her down.

The vet comes back, and he still has that look on his face. "Well, I have some good news, and I have some bad news. What would you like to hear first?" he says this as he looks at how I hold my crying Tris in my arms tightly against my chest. I look down and whisper to her, "It's up to you, Tris." She sniffles once, dries her eyes, and looks at the vet. "The bad news first, please." He nods and looks at his clipboard.

"Well, from what the blood test showed, it looks like Bear has…" he stops, takes a deep breath in and sighs. He looks down as he continues. "It looks like he has Osteosarcoma." He looks up and I guess he sees the confusion on our faces, so he starts to explain. "This is an aggressive bone tumor, which occurs commonly in large breed dogs, that slowly spreads to the lungs."

Tris takes in a sharp, quick breath, and turns her face into my chest as she starts to cry again. This time, it's a quiet cry. But I don't think her quietness will last much longer. The vet continues.

"And from the looks of it, it's already reached his lungs. At this point it doesn't look like it can be cured." As I suspected, Tris sobs loudly, but it't s bit muffled because of my shirt. "But the good news is, we have something that we hope will cure it, or at least, easy it down for him to tolerate it enough to move around, but not as much as he used to." Tris slightly looks up at me and he eyes are read and puffy. I rub her shoulders, and nod for her to go to Bear. She runs to him, and hugs him like she was before, and cries a little into his fur. She sounds more muffled than she did when she cried into my shirt. I've never seen Tris like this before, and I hope I wont have to see it for a while after we leave here.

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