Chapter 21- A Gift for Tris and A Story

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*I do not own Divergent

Chapter 21 – A Gift for Tris and A Story

Tobias' POV

After leaving the hospital, I arrived at the pit in the Dauntless compound. By the time I get to the stores, it's 9:30 p.m., and half of them are closed, so that makes my options for Tris' surprise limited. I look around and find a store that sells things to dauntless born babies.

Walking into the store, I see Shauna working at the register. I'm surprised to see her here, seeing as I haven't heard from her for a while. Or even Zeke for that matter. I go up to the register and she is surprised to see me as I am to see her. "Four! I haven't seen you in while. What brings you here?" she asks whit a curious and suspicious look on her face. Great, how am I going to explain my being here when Tris wanted to keep the twins a secret until we couldn't keep them hidden any longer. I have to come up with an excuse, and fast. "I'm here to pick up something's for a friend of mine. And since they are busy, they asked me to come here and get they needed for them." Nice excuse, Four. Not…

Her face shows curiosity and some understanding but she doesn't say anything. Does that mean she knows I'm lying, or does she believe me? "Well, Four. I never expected to see you in here since Jake and Jenna." She smiles, and I smile as well, thinking about the two little monsters. "Speaking of them, how are they doing?" "They're doing great. Jake just turned 8 and Jenna just turned 7. You should come visit sometime next week when you're not working." She smiles and says ok. "Oh and by the way, Shauna. Have you seen Zeke around lately?" I ask her.

Her face goes blank for a split second then speaks again. "You know Zeke. Always being who knows where doing who knows what." She says. We both laugh a little, then something comes to mind. "Hey, Shauna, how come you're working here? I never expected to see you working in a place like this." I say to her full of curiosity.

"Well, I heard what is going on with Bear from Will. So I thought it would be a good idea to get earn some money and help out to pay for the care Bear needs if and when he leaves the vets." She says with a small smile. I smile back at her. "Thanks Shauna. Did you hear about Tris too?" I mentally smack myself in the face. Nice going Four. Of course she doesn't know, idiot. Only Will and Christina know.

"No. What about Tris?" she asks so I start to explain. "Shauna, please calm down. Tris was admitted to the hospital a couple days ago-" she cuts me off before I can finish my sentence. Why is everyone doing that lately?

"She was what?! Is she ok?" She starts panicking. "She's fine. She was having trouble with her appendix, but they were able to remove it a couple hours ago. Will is watching over her until I get back from running an errand for a friend and after I check on Jake and Jenna, who are being watched by Christina." She sighs in relief.

"That's good to hear. I'll be there tomorrow before 11:00 a.m. ok?" I nod. I go to the back of the store and pick out two little charms. One is a rattle, and the other is a pacifier. Tris has the charm bracelet that I got for her when the kids were born. So I thought I'd do the same thing for the twins. As I finish picking out the charms, I pay for them after saying good night to Shauna, and I head back to my apartment.

Christina's POV

I wake up from my sleep to see no sign of Will. Looking around the room, I see a note on his pillow.


Four said that he needed me to watch over Tris at the hospital while he goes back to Dauntless to get something for her as a surprise when she wakes up. He said to tell you that her surgery was successful and her wound won't fully heal for two weeks. That means she can't go overboard with moving around like shopping, Christina… I laugh a little at that last part. Then I continue reading.

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