Chapter 16- Awake

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Oh, I forgot to put in the beginning of the last chapter that I do not own Divergent. Well, here is chapter 16

*I do not own Divergent, it is Veronica Roth's

Chapter 16 – Awake

Tris' POV

I wake up in a white room with bright, blinding, lights above my head. I blink a few times to get used to the brightness. Turning my head to the left, I see someone I least expected. There he was. He sits there with his head down, in hands. He looks to be sleeping because his eyes are closed and because of his light breathing.

"Caleb." I manage to croak out because I haven't spoken in a while. He stirs at the sound of his name. He looks up and blinks a few times. "Tris." He says as he sits up in his chair. "You're awake. How are you feeling?" "I'm fine." I say as I try painfully, but successfully, to sit up in my bed. "Tris take it easy. You just woke up. Let yourself get adjusted to the pain medication." He says as he helps me sit up. "Caleb, I ever expected to see you, for a while. Especially in the hospital." I say to him playfully hitting his arm.

He just laughs, and we just chat for a while. I look at the clock above the door. Caleb turns around and sees what I'm looking at. "Don't worry Tris. I'm sure that Four will be here soon." I never expected him to mention Four either, seeing as they rarely get along, even after the kids arrived. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, I was wandering around Erudite, and saw someone, that looked strangely like Four, running out of the hospital. So, I ran after him, just enough to see if I was right, and I was. When I figured that the only reason he would be here is because if something happened with you."

I bet he left to tell Will and Christina that I was here and any results he found out about what was wrong with me. I look at Caleb and we just start talking and joking around. After about 15 minutes or so, I see the door open. Well, part of the door because my eyes are filled with tear because of laughing so hard. I see someone walk in, and after I dry my eyes as best I can, I see that it's Tobias.

"Four." I say. I only call him that around Caleb because he still doesn't think his name fits his look. Kind of stupid, I know, but that's Caleb for you.

"Tris," he says as he rushes over to me and kisses me briefly because Caleb is still here. "How are you feeling?" I laugh, "If I am asked that one more time today, I am going to kick someone's butt when I get out of here." Tobias looks down at the ground when he sits on the chair on the opposite side of Caleb. He takes my hand. "Tobias? What's going on?" This time a call him by his name because he's starting to worry me.

He doesn't look up for what he says next. "Tris, you passed out because there is a problem with your appendix. And you passes out 3 hours ago, because of the intense pain it caused, and you have been out cold ever since. But…" he stops and sighs. "Tris, it is possible that it can be surgically taken out, but since you're… you know…" I know what he means and he doesn't want Caleb to know. And I don't want him to know yet either. "The doctor said that since you're already in a different situation, they are afraid to remove it because it might affect 'something else' inside." He looks up at me, then at Caleb.

"Caleb, what are you doing here, and how did you know Tris was here?" he asks him. Caleb looks up at him. "Well, I was walking around the Erudite compound, when I saw you running off out of the hospital to go somewhere in a hurry. So I figured that the only reason you would be here, is if something happened with Tris." Tobias takes my hand, and leans forward so he is whispering in my ear for what he says next. And it's directed at me. "Tris, should we tell him?" Apparently, he wasn't quiet enough. "Tell me what?" Caleb asks.

I look down at my blanket and sigh. I eventually look at Tobias and nod. Letting him know that he can tell Caleb what's going on. Tobias takes a deep breath, and begins. "Caleb, Tris is pregnant."

In a split second, Caleb's face goes from worried to shock. "What? You mean again?!" He practically yells. "You already have Jake and Jenna to worry about. Now you're going to have a third?" "Well, actually Caleb, it's going to be four kids. I'm having twins." Tobias explains. At that, Caleb starts getting a bit fidgety. He gets, up excuses himself for a little while, walks out the door and I hear a frustrated, type, sound that I haven't heard from him before. I thought he'd like the idea of being an uncle again.

"Tobias, do you think we did the right thing by telling him?" I ask, turning in his direction.

Tobias' POV

After Caleb left the room to let out is confusion and frustration, I see Tris turn her head in my direction. "Tobias, do you think we did the right thing by telling him?" she asks her voice full of concern. I take her hand in mine, and place the other on her cheek. I lean in and quietly say, "Yes, I do. Because if we didn't, who knows how he would react when you started to show. Well, unexpectedly to him anyways." With that, I kiss her lightly. I sit back in my chair just as Caleb returns a couple minutes later.

He looks more composed now than when he left. "Ok," he says as he sits back down on the opposite side of Tris' bed. "So, this means I get to be an uncle, again." After a couple minutes he starts smiling, probably at the thought of the kids. "What are you naming them?" he asks when he looks at both of us.

Tris and Caleb get into a big conversation about baby names. I guess it's a good thing because it is stopping me from telling Tris about how the problems her appendix are causing might affect the kids, since she just woke up. I, or the doctor, will tell her tomorrow.

Soon, Caleb says that he has to go. It's 7:30 p.m., so the kids should be getting ready for bed soon. My thoughts are interrupted by Tris trying to reach for her cell phone on the table. "Tris, what do you want your phone for?" I ask after I get up and hand it to her. "I wanted to call the kids. And I wanted to try to continue their story over the phone while on speaker so that way I can have Christina tell me when they are falling asleep." I just nod. "That seems like a really good idea." Is all I say before she leans over, kisses me, and then starts calling home.

A/N: I had trouble trying to figure out how to word this chapter. If you don't like it, again, I apologize. Hopefully the next chapter will be better.

Later! :)

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