Chapter 22- Events

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Enjoy! :)

P.s., there is going to be a little fluff involved in this chapter. But since this is rated G, everything will be kept safe.

Chapter 22 – Events

Tris' POV

I wake up and I am blinded by the bright lights over my bed in the hospital. I look around for Tobias to ask how the surgery went, but to my surprise, I see Will sitting in the chair next to my bed reading through a magazine. "Hey Will." I say with a tired voice. He looks up and sighs a little. Then he smiles at me before he puts his magazine down. "Tris, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Good, I guess. Still tired and I feel sore, but other than that, I feel fine." I say to him and he just nods. "Will, where is Tobias?" I say looking around the room one more time in case I missed Tobias standing around the room. "He told me to come here and watch over you until you woke up so he could go and get his surprise for you." When he says that, I feel a smile creeping up on my face. "Do you know what it is?" I ask in a persuading way, as if to get him to tell me what it is, or even a hint. He shakes his head no. "I have no idea what it is. All Four told me was that I had to get Christina and the kids here tomorrow morning and that we would be part of your surprise. And even if I did know Tris, I wouldn't tell you anyways." He says while smiling and laughing at me.

"Really Will? He didn't say anything else?" I say, still smiling and laughing a little. Why am I so smiley today? I think to myself.

"Sorry Tris. You of all people should know that Four like to keep things secret. Especially when it comes to surprising you." He laughs again, and I laugh with him. I look at the clock and it says it's 10:15 p.m. As to signal that I'm still tired, I yawn a little. After I stop I see Will trying, and failing, to hide his yawn. I laugh, "I guess yawns are contagious, huh Will?" he laughs and nods.

"Tris, you should really go back to sleep and get some rest. Four will be here shortly, so if you wake up later and I'm not here…" he says before leaning over me and gives me a hug. "I'd like to say an early good night." He says with a small smile.

I agree then start to go back to sleep. Since Will said that Jake and Jenna are coming here with them tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see them. This is going to be a long night while waiting for a long time to see my kids again after a few days of not being able to see them. Then another thought comes to mind. I want to see my Bear too. I hope he will be ok the next time we go to the vet. With that thought put out there, I start to fall asleep.

Christina's POV

"Christina please. I can't tell you what's else is going on with Tris right now. She doesn't want to say anything yet until she feels the time's right. But for now, I can only tell you that right now she's fine and will be home soon." He says. And with that he goes into his and Tris' room and comes back out a minute later with what looks like a large, heavy case.

"Four, what on earth is that?" I ask him. He puts it by the door, and goes over to the dining room table to get his jacket.

"It's part of my surprise for Tris. I can't tell you that either, because it's also a surprise for you, Will, Jake, and Jenna when you come to the hospital tomorrow morning. Don't forget that the kids need to take their showers and clean their rooms after breakfast." He says.

He goes to the door and picks up the case. When he opens the door, he stops and turns around. "Oh, and Christina." He says with a slight smile on his face. "Thanks again for taking care of the little monsters for us. And, thanks for being a good Aunt to those two. And who knows? There might be couple others to look out for." He says with a wink.

Story Time (Divergent)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora