Chapter 18- Some Good News

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Ok, quick thing to tell you all about. When I had Will in the last chapter say 'Christina Scott' that was because I have NO idea what his last name is, so I just came up with one. You all can go back to the story now, sorry to keep you guys from reading. Enjoy :)

*I do not own Divergent

Chapter 18 – Some Good News

Tobias' POV

Tris' doctor says that she is most likely able to go home in a few days, but no over working herself like she was before. I was about to wake her up, and see if she wanted me to call Will and Christina to come and bring the kids to visit, but that's when the door slowly opens. All of a sudden, I'm being jumped on and hugged by my kids. "Daddy we missed you!" Jenna says when she gives me a tight hug. I hug her back, "I missed you guys too. But please, keep it down. Mommy's it trying to sleep." I say, as I turn and look at a sleeping Tris.

The kids look at her and their smiles start to fade a little. "Dad," Jake asks, tugging my arm to get my attention. "Is mom going to be ok?" I look at him and smile reassuringly. "Yes, Jake. She's going be fine. Just in some pain for a while until we can figure some things out. But don't worry, your mom will be back home in no time." I say, ruffling us his hair, earning a small laugh and smile out of him.

From the corner of my eye, I see Will come up next to me and put a hand on my shoulder as I'm sitting in the chair with the kid sitting on my lap reading through a book they brought. "Hey Four. How is she doing?" He asks, his voice full of worry. I don't need to look at him when I answer. "Well, the good news is, is that her doctor said that she can probably go home tomorrow, after lunch. The… uh… not so good news is,…" I stop, look down and sigh. I place my hands on Jake and Jenna's heads, messing up their hair to get their attention. "Hey guys, Uncle Will and I are going out in the hall for a little while. Stay in here with Aunt Christina until your mom wakes up or until we get back, ok?" They both look at me and nod. Then they get off my lap so I can stand.

But when I do, I soon feel stiff all over, and my back pops. That's most likely because I've been sitting in that chair for hours. I lead Will into the hallway and sit in the chairs, and he takes the seat next to mine. "Four, what's the bad news?" He asks. I look at him and don't bother beading around the bush for a simple way to tell him what I have to say. "Will, Tris can't even walk when her pain starts up. I've seen what happens. While we were walking around the hospital yesterday for her to get some exercise, the pain started and she couldn't stand up, so I had to carry her back to her room."

Will just looks at me and waits for me to continue. Letting out a frustrated sigh as I look down, I continue. "What will happen when she is able to go home and the same thing happens. I can't keep rushing her back and forth to the hospital every time. They need to remove it, and fast, because I can't stand seeing her in pain. Do you remember being at the hospital when Jenna was born and how I was acting while the doctors were trying to get me in the waiting room with you and Christina, when Tris passed out for, what, 10 – 15 minutes?" He nods and puts his head down to face the floor.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally speaks when he pick up his head. "Four, this is the Erudite Hospital. I've been here before and I know that they have way of making things better for people-" I cut him off. "Will, this is completely different." I stand up and almost yell. "Since she's pregnant" I quiet down at that word, not wanting Christina to hear. And then I start yelling again. "They are afraid to remove her appendix because it might harm something else inside her." He give me a confused look, but it only lasts for a second because a doctor comes down the hall. He's Tris' doctor, to be exact. He must've heard what I was yelling about because he comes right up to me. Actually, he comes running up to me, and he appears to be out of breath.

"Mr. Eaton." He says when he's caught his breath again. "I have some good news." At that my face must light up a little, because I see Will come up next to me to hear what he has to say. The doctor just looks at him, as if asking who he is and what is he doing here. So I explain about Will, to break the tension building up. "He's a family friend, and he knows what's going on. Please, continue. The doctor nods and continues. "We have figured out a way to surgically remove Tris' appendix, without harming the twins."

It looks like I forgot to tell Will that Tris is going to have twins, because his face turns blank when he looks at me. "Twins?" he asks. I look back at him and answer. "Sorry. I forgot to tell you she is going to have twins." Will gets the look of understanding and look back at the doctor, and I do the same. I can't wait to tell Tris that she doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Christina's POV

I'm reading a book quietly to the kids while Tris is sleeping, and Will and Four are out in the hallway. It's been almost five minutes until I hear someone practically yelling in the hall. It's faint and kind of muffled because of the door, "Will, this is completely different. Since she's…" There is a silence for a second. Then the yelling continues. "They are afraid to remove her appendix because it might harm something else inside her." It sounds like Four, and he is really upset.

Jenna is taking a nap in the other chair on the opposite side of Tris' bed. Jake is on my lap reading. Then he stops, and looks to Tris, the door where the yelling is coming from. Then he looks back at me. "Aunt Christina." He says with a worried look on her face. "Why is Dad yelling at Uncle Will?" then he stops, looks at Tris and back to me. "And what's an ap-pen-dix?" he asks, while trying to pronounce the word appendix.

I hug pulling him into a tight hug to comfort him because he looks like he about to cry. "I don't know why your Dad is yelling, Jake. And an appendix is something inside of the body. Right, about… here." I say while poking the side of his stomach where the appendix is located. He laughs and I start to tickle him for a little while. The whole time, he's trying to hold in laughter as to not wake Tris.

A little while later, Will, Four, and a doctor come into the room. Four rushes over to Tris, and gently wraps her in his arms so he doesn't wake her up. "Tris," he says into her hair. He looks like he's crying, but he's doing a good job at hiding it. "Four. What's the matter?" I ask him. He wipes his eyes on his sleeve while facing the wall behind Tris' head so his face is out of view. He was definitely crying.

"Christina. Tris is going to be ok. They figured out how to remove her appendix." He says while trying to re-compose himself.

"Should we wait until Tris is awake to explain how this will work out.?" He asks Four. He nods, "Yes. I want her to hear and I want to reassure her that everything will be ok." He leans over and kisses Tris on the cheek. Jenna woke up, and I guess she say Fours face after he stopped crying, because she makes a confused face and runs to him. "Daddy, why are you crying?" she asks. He picks her up into the air and she laughs a little, then he hugs her. "Jenna, I'm crying because your Mom is going to be ok, and will be going back home soon." At that, she smiles and hugs him. She gets down and leas over Tris and hugs her lightly. "Don't worry, Mommy. You get to come home soon." She says.

Later, around 12:00 p.m., Will and I decide that it's time to take the kids home for the day and have lunch. Tris is still sleeping, probably because of the pain medication that helps her relax. Jake and Jenna say bye to their Dad, and hug Tris goodbye.

A/N: Finally, another chapter is up and ready to be read. Later! :)

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