chapter 6- The Next Day

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*I do not own Divergent. As much as I wish I did, I don't because it belongs to Veronica Roth :p

Chapter 6 – The Next Day

Tobias' POV

It's morning time, and I wake up to hearing Tris getting the kids ready for the first day of school after their holiday vacation.

"Jake! Don't forget your bag! Same to you Jenna!..."


"BEAR!" That did not sound good. When Tris and the kids yell at Bear, then I know something broke.

I rush out of the bedroom, to find that Bear, along with Jenna, Jake, and Tris, are covered in purple juice from the pitcher Tris holds. She turns to me, opened mouth and speechless.

"What happened out here?" I ask while stifling a laugh at their shocked faces.

The kids point at Bear, "Bear did it!" they say together.

This time, Tris starts to explain. "I was in the middle of filling the kids' juice bottles, when Bear heard the Dauntless yelling and laughing loudly outside."

I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore. I practically fall over laughing at the purple people before me.

Tris' POV

I turn to the kids and Bear and I see why Tobias is laughing so hard. Our brown dog is now a purple grape, Jake looks like a tie – dyed person and so does Jenna. I look at the hallway mirror, and I am too the color of a grape.

"Mommy! My shirt" Jenna cries out. I go over to comfort her. "Now I can't go to school." That's when reality smacks me in the face.

"Tobias, help me get the kids ready, again." I almost have to shout at him over his laughter.

"Kids, it's ok. We we're going to get you all fixed up. You'll just be a little late." At that they calm down and head to their rooms to find new clothes. Tobias finally manages to stand straight and stop laughing so much.

"Tris, I'm sorry. But that was too funny." He says as he walks over to me. "C'mon. I'll help you get them ready." He offers. I should tell him that he has to help the kids, and Bear, all cleaned up, but I decide against it.

We finally get everyone, and myself, ready to start the day, before it was interrupted by Bear and the yelling and loud laughter outside. "Ready?" I ask everyone as Tobias starts the car as I get in. I get nods and 'yeses' from everyone and we're off to bring the kids to school. They still smell like grape juice, but hopefully that'll ware off soon.

Tobias and I get back to the Dauntless compound, and in different directions to go to work. Tobias works in the control room still, while I work at the tattoo shop and the clothing store with Christina and Marlene.


"Finally, last customer taken care of." I say as I throw away the used tattoo needles and get the chairs set up to be cleaned. I've worked at the tattoo shop for six hours today. Tomorrow I have to work at the clothing store for another six hours… my thoughts are interrupted by a pair of small hands wrapping around my waist.

"Hi mom!" Jenna and Jake say at the same time. I bend down to give them hugs. I stand back up and turn to find Tobias leaning against my office doorframe.

"As you can see, I already took care of the kids after school. They don't even smell like grapes anymore." He laughs.

I walk over to him, he pulls me to him and kisses me. This, again, gets 'ews' from the kids. After a long day, we decide to go home after I'm done cleaning up.

A/N: I know this is short, but I tried to make it a little funny. I had to put something up on the site for you all some time.

Until next time, bye :)

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