planning the wedding

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Andrea's POV

Not to immerse myself into the matriarchal stereotypes of life, but planning a wedding is so fun. My maid of honor will be Alex, of course, and Jacob decided to make Luke one of the groomsmen, which I have no problem with. If Luke agrees to being a groomsman, it might be fun for him to get to know/bond with Jacob. I think they'd really like each other.

"Alex, girl, I have great news."

"You know I can't talk on the phone for long, I have work."

"Sorry, but it's important."

"What, Drea?"

"You're my maid of honor."

"Oh my god, really?! I love you so much Drea!"

"Of course you do, Alex. Can you fly in to LA by, at the latest, next Monday?"

"Of course, I'll catch the flight this Friday from Sydney to LA."

"I still can't believe you moved to Sydney, and left me here in LA."

"I'm sorry, Drea. I miss you too, girl."

"I might hold you hostage here, Alex, so you can never go back."

"Ha, I have my life here Andrea. I really like it here."

"Who's the guy?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, who's the guy?"

"Okay, you got me. His name is Caleb, and he's twenty-two, he works as a veterinary assistant, and he moved in with me yesterday."

"Moved in?! That's a huge step!"

"Getting married? That's a huge step!"

"Yeah, but I love Jacob."

"It almost sounds true, Drea, keep practicing."

"That's an awful thing to say, Alex."

"It's true, though."

"I'll see you on Saturday, and you better bring Caleb to the wedding."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too."


Luke's POV

I cannot understand why Andrea's fiancé would ever ask me to be one of his groomsman. I don't even know the guy, and I'm not exactly on the best terms with Andrea. I mean, before yesterday, we hadn't talked in about a year. And then she calls and asks me to attend her wedding with no warning. Do I regret not making things right with Drey? 100%. Do I wish I was the one at the alter beside her? No, maybe, no, maybe. I loved her, and I fucked up big time. I tried to make it right, but apparently she never got my texts.

I wish I could go back and make things right. But we've both moved on, I mean she's getting married in two months. And since I'm a groomsman, I have to spend the next two months preparing for a wedding that's not even mine.

"Jacob, what's up, man?"

"Nothing much, Luke. Just wanted to know when you'll be flying in to LA."


"Do you have a place to stay?"

"Nope, but I'll probably get a hotel room."

"Luke, you can stay with us, we have a guest room. I'm sure Andrea wouldn't mind."

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