umm what?

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* not edited sorry * *important authors note at the end*

Addy's POV oOOo something new

That date with Luke was actually really fun. When he first walked in the hotel with that confidence, I honestly expected him to be a douche. But, he's actually really sweet.

4 am

Luke: hey
Addy: I'm trying to sleep here
Luke: oh I'm sorry :(
Addy: key word trying, it's ok
Luke: why can't u sleep?
Addy: idk
Luke: it's ok, I never sleep anyway
Addy: that's not healthy
Luke: ehh it's fine
Addy: ok
Luke: tell me about you
Addy: umm there not much to talk about
Addy: my life has been pretty standard
Addy: tell me about you
Luke: there's nothing to tell, anything that happened in the past, is the past
Luke: I want to talk about the future
Addy: lol I don't even know you
Luke: I didn't say our future
Luke: I said the future
Addy: umm ok
Luke: where do you see yourself in five years?
Addy: well I'll be 24, and I always thought I'd have a good job and a good husband and maybe even kids
Addy: but realistically, I'll probably still be in school and in need of money
Addy: I have to pay for my own college and a Phd is expensive
Luke: aren't your parent going to help?
Addy: no, they're just glad I'm out of the house
Luke: I'm sorry
Addy: it's fine
Luke: well it's 5 am
Addy: go to sleep, I'll be ok
Luke: good night
Addy: night Luke

I turn over in my bed and hold my phone close to my chest. A feeling of warmth floods through my body.

*Ring Ring*

My phone lights up with the words Incoming Call from Luke.

"Luke, it's so late, well it's actually early... What do you want?"

"Meet me at Venice Beach in an hour. Bring whatever you want."

"Luke, I have work."


"Luke, are you there?"


"Oh my gosh, Luke. I guess I'll see you in an hour. Why am I still talking to a dead line?"


I pulled up to Venice Beach in an Uber that Luke payed for. It's completely deserted because it's 6 am on a Monday.

I get out of the car and it's pretty cold. I instantly regret wearing a sundress. I walk out towards the water and I see someone run towards me with a bouquet of roses.

"Luke? Is that you?"

I hear him panting as he finally reaches me.

"Uh huh, one second. Give me a second, woooo I need to catch my breath."

I can't help but laugh as Luke bends over his knees and pants some more.

"Hahahaha, Luke we should go to the gym together."

"You're joking now, but I'm actually a pro athlete."

"Haha, okay, sure. Why am I at the beach at 6 am?"

"Aha, I thought you would ask that eventually. I have planned a day for us."

Omegle ~ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now