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Sorry for all the short chapters. This one is short too.


I want to say all is well, but it's not. There is growing tension within Got7 and I'm pretty sure it revolves around me and Youngjae being a couple. Sure we're all okay with Jinyoung and Jaebum being a couple, but there's a whole different set of rules when it comes to my puppy. That's what he wanted me to call him. He says he wants to be as cute as Coco.

This tension that we have is really throwing all of us off. We mess up a lot more on our choreography. We just aren't as coordinated with each other as we used to be, yet no one dares to speak of it. We all just continue to act like nothing is wrong; everything is just fine.

The other day Youngjae came to me with such a sad expression on his face. My only thoughts were, oh no, he noticed.

"Hyung," he spoke softly, "Do you feel that? What's going on?"

"Youngjae-ah, things have been... tense lately. I know I made you promise not to tell the other members about us, but I feel now they are really starting to suspect us."

"Then why hasn't anyone said anything to us yet?"

"To be honest, no one expects this type of thing from you."

"Ugh," he whined, "Why can't we just tell them?"

"And risk Got7?"

"Come on, hyung! Got7 wouldn't be over. We could never do that to our fans."

He moved closer to me and snuggled up on my arm while we lay staring at the ceiling.

"Plus, if everyone can accept Jinyoung and Jaebum hyung, why should we be different?"

"So you want to tell them tomorrow?'

He nodded.

"You know, for a puppy, you're quite smart."

Youngjae only giggled and closed his eyes still securing my arm close to his chest. Then Coco jumped on the bed with us and we all fell asleep.


I typed most of this on my computer. It's so much different from typing on my phone.

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