Chapter 3: The Cat's POV

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I never expected it to happen, not in my lifetime. It just happened out of the blue.

Of course, since my home makes me immortal, that previous statement was superfluous. It happened just today. I was sitting by a Chinese restaurant, gnawing at a piece of chicken that was thrown in the garbage.

I had a huge distaste for wasted, unsanitary food. But I was starving and had no choice but to raid the garbage cans for it.

Then, as luck would have it, it began to rain earlier than usual. It was starting to soak me, something I was not happy about. So, hoping I would stay dry, I ran and hid under a cardboard box for a sliver of shelter, the bell on my collar jingling as I moved.

But the rainwater was leaking through the box and soaking me in a matter of minutes.

I wished I could go home early, but I hated getting my paws wet since I'm a cat. I growled at my misfortune. I have often known black cats are the harbingers of bad luck. But I never would have thought that I was the unlucky cat! Why? What on Earth did I do to deserve such a cruel fate?

I had a loving home and master, but now they're long gone. I was alone. Alone and helpless in this cold, merciless world.

But, thankfully, the rain started to cease. The sun started to shine again.

I walked out of the now soggy, flimsy cardboard sanctuary and shook the water off my fur. I started walking towards the alley entrance when I saw something shining among the nearby junk.

The phrase "curiosity killed the cat" came true when I approached the shining object. It was a beautifully crafted, ornate cream-colored oval-shaped antique music box.

"Why would humans throw away such a delightful object like this?" I wondered.

I sniffed at the music box and touched it with my paw. Then, the music box toppled over. The lid sprang open.

Inside was a white porcelain bear wearing a pink tutu and holding a silver star in its paw. A sweet melody began to play. I looked at the music box with major curiosity.

The melody sounded familiar though. "How strange." I thought. "I felt like I've heard this tune before."

Shaking my head, I thought nothing of it, I decided to head to the alley entrance.

But then, I stopped. I looked back at the music box. A strange feeling crept over me. I felt like he didn't want to abandon this precious treasure. I tried to ignore it, but eventually it won me over. Looking around, I found a piece of silk ribbon with the color of summer roses.

Carefully but surely, I tied the ribbon around the music box and gently started to carry it in my mouth.

I walked out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. Three girls were walking towards me. When they saw me, they stopped.

I heard one of the girls say something about me, but I ignored it.

When I came to the road, I stopped. I heard that the roads in this world are dangerous, that many animals lost their lives trying to cross the thunderous roads.

The only safe passage is to cross the striped path when the light on the metal poles turns red and the vehicles stop.

Of course, I thought that using the striped path is only for the humans. When the traffic light turned red, I walked on the road without the striped path.

But then, the music box slipped through my fangs and fell on the pavement.

"Whiskers! How clumsy of me!" I thought. I frantically tried to grab the box but it kept slipping from my teeth.

I looked up. The light on the metal pole turned green. I saw a big truck coming towards me!

"Oh, no! It's too late for me! I'm done for!" I thought. I was staring death in the face. Suddenly, I heard the truck screech and felt a strong hand grab me by the scruff of my neck.

I felt someone carrying my music box and me towards the other side of the road.

I couldn't believe it! Just when I was staring death in the face, someone saved me from it!

Was it sheer luck by my side? I don't know. Without even stopping, my savior ran to the other side of the road.

Suddenly, she tripped on the sidewalk edge and fell to the ground. I landed on the ground behind the bushes safely.

After recovering from my shock, I looked back and saw my savior kneeling on the ground. Much to my surprise, my savior was a young girl! "This young lady saved my life?" I thought.

The music box landed on the ground beside her. The lid snapped open and the melody began to play.

I watched the young girl grab the box and stood up. She looked around. "Kitty? Kitty, where are you?" she said worriedly.

It appeared that she was looking around for me. Her facial features were so soft and beautiful, yet in her eyes was a burning flame of strength and compassion.

I took a small step out from the bushes to get a closer look, but as fate would have it; the bell on my collar rang as I moved.

Her chocolate-brown eyes fell on him. I stared at those eyes, fascinated.

She looked so beautiful, and strangely familiar.

"Are you all right?" she asked me. Deciding to play dumb, I meowed an unintelligible response.

For the moment, it seemed she bought the expression I was selling her.

Then, I bowed low. She saved my life and I owe it to her. Then I raised my right paw. "What do you want?" the girl asked.

I meowed again. I batted my paw in the air as if I wanted something. What I really wanted was the music box she had in her hands. Then the girl noticed the music box in her hand.

"Oh, I see. You want the music box, right?"

Finally, she understands! I bowed my head, as if I said yes. She gave the music box back to me.

I picked up the music box in my fangs, gave her another bow and ran into the bushes. She watched me leave.

"Maybe." I thought. "Maybe today wasn't a bad day after all! Maybe good luck was really on my side!"

I couldn't describe the joy I felt inside my heart. Finally, after a few dreary years of isolation, a ray of warm light shined through.

When the moon rose, I hid in the shadows of the streets and alleyways. The night is perfect for me. I can sneak in the shadows unnoticed and well hidden.

On velvet paws, I move in silence. My whiskers help me detect my way in darkness. The pupils in my eyes take in every particle of light.

Then, my ears pricked up. I can hear a scurry of feet a distance away and my nose caught wind of a familiar scent.

I smiled.

All mice beware, there's a cat on the prowl tonight. Meow!

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