Chapter 12: The Pact

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Its walls were porcelain white covered with wisteria vines and a blue roof lay on top. In front of the chateau was a beautiful enormous garden.

In the garden were a variety of flowers, a fountain that sprayed crystal-clear water and a single lamplight that stood at the right of the chateau. They headed towards the chateau. Noir opened the door. "After you." he said, bowing like a gentleman.

"Thank you." said Annette. She entered the house, and then Noir followed her. When Annette entered the house, she was amazed by how everything inside the house was so antique. The curtains, the clocks, the furniture, even the fireplace.

The warm fire that cracked in the fireplace was so inviting, Annette walked over and put her hands over it, warming herself. "Hello, young lady." a warm, rich voice said behind her. Annette turned and saw an old man sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace.

He was tall with chocolate brown hair and round yellow eyes. He wore large, round spectacles, a brown feathery suit jacket, a blue bowtie, brown slacks, and black Oxford shoes. The man smiled warmly at Annette. "Welcome to Hoots Manor, our humble home."

Annette was a bit startled by the man behind her. "Who are you?" she asked. "My name is Thaddeus Hoots. I'm the owner of Hoots Manor." said the man. "You're welcome to stay."

"Thank you." said Annette.

"She's staying for the night, Hoots. I'm returning her home in the morning." said Noir. "Where is your home?" Hoots asked. "Paris, France." said Annette.

Hoots looked at Noir in surprise. "Noir! You took this young lady from the outside world?" Noir bowed his head. "Well...I did take her here. She had doubts of her thoughts, so I took the liberty of showing her my world."

Hoots glared at him. "You kidnapped a young girl from the outside world! I'm utterly mortified! How could you, Noir?" Hickory crossed his paws. "Nice going there, cat! Kidnapping an innocent young girl? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you, cat!"

Annette stepped in. "Wait, it's not entirely his fault! I followed him to your world because he took my sketchbook. Of course, he returned it. Also, he saved me from a giant spider in the woods." she said.

Noir smiled at her. "Thank you, Annie." he said gratefully. "And, she has made me her loyal servant." Annette paused. They all stared at him in disbelief. "What?!" Hoots and Hickory asked in unison. "She is now my new lady and mistress." said Noir proudly. Annette stared at him. "Lady and mistress?"

Noir nodded.

Annette bowed her head and stared at the ground. Noir tilted his head. "What's the matter, Lady Robin?" "You're kidding me, aren't you?" Annette asked.

Noir shook his head. "No, I'm not joking with you." Annette looked at him. "Why are you claiming me to be your lady and mistress?"

"Because you saved my life. I was very fortunate to have crossed paths with you. Had you not come to save me, I wouldn't be standing here today. I'm very grateful of you for saving my life." said Noir, bowing to her.

Hoots looked at Annette. "Is that true, Miss Annette?" he asked. Annette nodded. "It's true. I did save him from a truck." She turned to Noir. "But I didn't know you're going to announce me as your new lady and mistress."

"I thought about that when you saved me from that truck."

Annette rubbed her chin in thought. "So, if I am going to be your lady and mistress, does that mean you're going to do everything I say?"

Noir smiled. "Possibly, if you're not too demanding."

"Ah, forget about him! Pick me as your faithful servant. I'm very useful. If you need anything at all, I'll be there for you, sweetie!" said Hickory with a playful wink. Annette blushed nervously.

"Since when are you so eager to be someone's servant? What use are you of?" asked Noir, quietly amused.

Hickory crossed his paws in defiance. "Well, I've been that owl's slave for some time, dusting, cooking, cleaning, tending the garden, I'm planning to make some changes!"

Annette was confused by the Clock Mouse's words. "Owl?" she thought. She looked at Hoots. Judging by his looks, he does seem owlish.

"You're an owl?" Annette asked. "Of course I am. I'm the Wise Old Owl." Hoots said. To prove his point, he transformed into an owl right before Annette's eyes.

"Well, you always spend the day away gorging on confectionaries, you good-for nothing, lazy, fat, gluttonous rodent!" said Noir in utter annoyance. "Who are you calling 'fat and lazy', cat?! You always sneak into the outside world while I'm stuck here!" said Hickory angrily.

"Are they always like this?" asked Annette. Hoots shrugged. "Most of the time. But they respect each other, nonetheless."

"If I were a magician, I would gladly turn you into a pig!" said Noir hotly. "How dare you call me fat and lazy! I'm not a pig either! I have a very good figure!" yelled Hickory, insulted.

"Or better yet, I'll have you as a tasty little meal. Then, I won't be able to hear your annoying little tirades and brags." Noir said cheekily, baring his pearly-white cat fangs.

Hickory glared at him. "Ah, ah, ah! Don't you even dare try, cat!" he warned.

"Enough." Hoots said, holding up his wing. Noir and Hickory stopped bickering and stared at Hoots. Hoots took a sip of his tea. "I believe that Noir would make a wonderful servant to Annette."

"Oh, come on! You're not serious, are you, Hoots?" Hickory asked. Hoots nodded. "I am indeed." "Oh, well. Fine!" Hickory said, shrugging. Then he yawned. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'm whacked. Good night, everyone."

"Good night."

He flew to an antique grandfather clock and went inside.

"If you're gonna be my servant, does that mean you'll do anything I say?" Annette asked. "Of course. Whatever your heart desires. I, Noir shall obey your every command, regardless of what they may be. I will remain dedicated by your side."

"Just give me a moment to think." Annette said. "Of course. Take your time." Hoots said.

"Having a transforming cat is weird enough," Annette thought. "But having a cat butler wouldn't be so bad. It might be fun. But is it really the right thing to do? I can't help but feel sorry for him. Oh, well, there's no turning back anyway."

"All right. I accept!" Annette said. "What do I have to do the seal the pact?"

"Place your hands on mine and say 'I name you my servant'." Noir said simply. Annette blushed instantly. When Annette laid eyes on Noir's human form, she thought he was really handsome. Normally, she wasn't shy around handsome boys. But there was something about Noir that got her smitten.

"Should I? That is, if it's okay with you." Annette asked shyly. "Go ahead." Noir said with a playful smile. Annette hesitated for a moment, and then slowly, she placed her hands on Noir's. "I name you my servant." she said.

"The pact is sealed. Thank you very much, my lady Annette." Noir said. "You're welcome." Annette said shyly. Then, she yawned again. "Oh, boy. I'm getting sleepy."

"You can sleep in my spare bedroom upstairs. It's on your right." Hoots said. "I shall get your nightgown ready, dear mistress." said Noir. 

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